“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2018-11-23 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  The day before yesterday, I heard a piece of news of Jack Ma’s. He is going to retire in one years, I think you all know him right? He is the leader and the founder of the Ali-baba Group. But don’t you know he was just a former English teacher before he founded the Ali-baba Group. Why can he be successful in being this job. The answer is obvious: education.

  Education change his life. In the Obama’s speech, he has told a word ‘responsibility’。 But what’s our responsibility for our education? We have a responsibility to ourselves to discover what that is. We’re going to need a better education for every single one of those careers. That’s the opportunity an education can provide. It is not always easy to do well in school. But we can’t refuse to give up. Just think of the things that will happen on you in the future. Once you have finished your studies ,you will definitely be eager to go to school and learn. At an early age you can set a goal that you like to do in your life and do your best to reach it. There could be so many reasons why we should study, but the main reason is to be successful in the future.

  Study hard and the reward that you’ll earn will be your key to live a better life. If The things you have learned can be used as you go on with your life, If you won’t study hard and become uneducated it would hard to look for a better job earn money. Which simply means, that you won’t have a better future.


  Jack Ma最近可是一个热点人物,以Jack Ma的例子开头,一下子就吸引住了听众。但其实,马云与教育的渊源不仅在于他曾经是一名英语老师,就在今年,由马云投资的云谷学校也开始招生了,所以,马云的例子可以再深度挖掘来阐释教育的重要性。

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