“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2017-12-10 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  beloved teacher, dear partners :

  hello everyone! i called # # #, the first time today i stand on the rostrum speech, and speech is the first election monitor, at this time i am excited, but also very nervous. it is a squad many students looking for jobs, the need for a capable and caring people to play, i believe i have the ability. i-12 has been a leader, we are not continue to give me this opportunity? let me childhood diary for the whole class to stay in the unparalleled service fond memories! i warm and cheerful, loving the collective unity of the students, with love. i despise the disadvantage of poor students, not like other people's advice to me in the days to come, i will remove these defects.

  if i win the election on the head when, i will use the exuberant energy, a clear mind to do this work, i will organize a series of activities such as reading, speech, etc., and of course i do not many more. i think we should have it as a doer, not those beautiful words to describe. if i had lost that i still have many shortcomings, i will continue to self-improvement.

  tempering my work, i created a living. dell carnegie said, should not be afraid of selling their own, as long as you believe that you have the talent, you should consider themselves eligible for promotion was this or that job.

  students, and trust me, support me, please vote for me, thank you!






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