“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2017-11-29 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  1.Agree or disagree: Advertising aiming at children should be restricted.

  I disagree. It's fair to advertize to children even children are always said to be unable to distinguish between reality and fiction, between entertainment and advertising. A supposed consequence of advertising is that children are being persuaded to demand things that they don't need and to adopt consumerist values and attitudes in their formative years. However, it's up to the parents to determine what should and shouldn抰 be bought for their children. Children need to know how to see these ads and realize how a certain product would affect them and thus balance out the pros and cons and see if it's in their best interest. In my opinion, the parents as well as the world need to stop babying children and let them learn lessons for life, because certain things can't be restricted well. Temptation is always at children's side. They have to learn to resist and make responsible decisions.

  2.Agree or disagree: Junk food should be taxed.

  I agree that junk food should be taxed. In modern society, many people are attracted to eat in KFC or MacDonald's. Everyday, many hamburgers, fried chips and so on are sold out. Despite the good sale, it can't be denied that all these are junk food. Just as the word junk, they bring great harm to our healthy. So, there comes a appeal that junk food should be taxed. In think it is enforceable because it will control the sale of junk food to a certain degree. Firstly, the tax can force the manufacturer to decrease production and then there will be less junk food on market. Also, we all know that junk food has very high profits. Some trader many take extreme trick to cut down their cost and gain more profit. So, it's reasonable to tax them.

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