“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2017-11-13 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  I'm happy as I grow up

  Good morning,everyone!I’m Zhang Yuting from Grade six.Today,the topic of my speech is “I'm happy as I grow up”.

  The happiness of growth is the purest kind of happiness, Sometimes not even need any reason.It is a happiness in human life when continuous improvement, It is even the emotional outpouring from the heart. Someone might ask: Is it just happy to grow it is no trouble, and of course there is a growing worry, but "tired" and just "happiness" contrast, is not absolute; sometimes troubles may also be a pleasure.

  Through careful study, I know the happiness of mastering knowledge. I know that learning is equivalent to happiness. When you get good grades; When you get a praise from teacher or parents; When you are thinking very hard, and finally know the correct answer to a question ; When you know a lot of knowledge you almost didn’t know , Do you feel a sense of happiness? right, this is the happiness of learning! we learn in growing life every day, since it can’t escape, then happy to face it! we need to have a class carefully and  complete  homework carefully , we need to review and preview consciously , you need some proper outdoor sports, to maintain a healthy body. As long as you do the above points, you will be surprised to discover that learning is so happy!

  So, my classmates, we must cherish every minute of Time from life, let us "happy to learn, happy to grow up "!

  我成长 我快乐




  通过认真学习,我知道了掌握知识的快乐。我知道了学习就等于快乐 。当你在取得好成绩时;当你得到老师或家长的称赞时;当你在苦苦思索后,终于知道了一道题的正确答案时;当在你知道了许多你以前不知道的知识时,你是否感到了一种喜悦的感觉?对,这就是学习的快乐!在成长中,我们天天都在学习,既然逃避不了,那就开心的去面对吧!我们需要认真上课,需要仔细按时完成家庭作业,需要我们自觉地复习与预习,需要一些适当的户外运动,来保持健康的身体。只要你做到了以上的几点,你就会惊奇的发现原来学习也是这么的快乐!


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