“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2017-11-09 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  motherland , i always have one strands of sense of pride and sense of responsibility as for.

  being proud is that the motherland already culture having 5000 years history, have created many being worth it cultural relics and historic sites that we adore. calm down by that uninterrupted growth , our country have experienced a lot of dynasty turbulence, after oppressing and the war outburst for feudalist society, be founded and opening to the outside world to republic of china, our country people successively has set off the head of a family form living , acting on self"s own freely , our country already becomes a great power now , a lot of product already enters international market , a galaxy of talent moreover all all are to have a facile imagination , thought opens to the outside world , intelligence surpasses, i believe in , make great efforts process a few although our country does not belong to the developed country now,we are sure to keep a foothold on the world , become and the developed country part, this is that i need to sing the praises of and is that makes great efforts.

  i love me going through all the vicissitudes of life so but the motherland who not falling down but, before hers, have experienced so many disturbances , having been really to make me be full of praise, that she has been pregnant with promising my scenery the scenic spot elegant and pretty, heroic figure , my motherland who still has many moving one to song and tears is firm , rich, i am loving her deeply.


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