“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2017-10-19 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  every friend! have you heard of white dream ?perhaps , you think hope is green, youth is red, and dream is only natural gold!but , i think medical workers' dream is white.

  you're likely to say : white stands for blank,white symbolizes poverty. but, i will tell you white also signifies creation! white also is the embodiment of vast and pureness.

  people usually speak highly of medical workers as angels in white. because in their mind , medical workers are upright , kind, selfless and friendly.

  despite the rumour and social prejudice, nantingger gave up her rich physical life, firmly, committing herself to nusing career. in this way, she destronmasted the glory of white dream.

  benqiuen strode over country boundaries, devoting himself to medical career without hestion.

  extremly beautiful scenery often exists in dangerous and high mountains.extremly grand music is always dismal. extremly noble life frequently lies in heroic sacrifice.in a sense, isn't medical workers' job great? if one can sacrifice his life for human,isn't he or she happy? as it going: if there isn't inveteracy,there isn't prosperous leaves and sweet-smelling flowers, if there isn't headstream and flowing water, thereisn't rapids and waterfall, if there isn't medical workers' hard work, there isn't good and healthy life of people.

  in a word, no matter what situation we might face, we must stick to the white dream.

    • 五种精彩的演讲稿开场白技巧

      1、奇论妙语石破天惊  听众对平庸普通的论调都不屑一顾,置若罔闻;倘若发人未见,用别人意想不到的见解引出话题,造成“此言一出,举座皆惊”的艺术效果,会立即震撼听众,使他们急不可耐地听下去,这样就能达到

    • 高三学生励志演讲稿 年轻没有失败


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