“范文大全” 委托书


发布时间:2019-12-10 来源:委托书 手机版





  陈[ ],女,[ ]年[ ]月[ ]日出生,现住[ ]国[ ]市(省)[ ]区(县)[ ]路[ ]号。

  李[ ],女,[ ]年[ ]月[ ]日出生,现住[ ]国[ ]市(省)[ ]区(县)[ ]路[ ]号。

  We, the undersigned,

  Chen [ ], female, born on [ ] (Date), residing at No. [ ], [ ] Rd [ ] City, [ ] Country.

  Lee [ ] , female, born on [ ] (Date), residing at No. [ ], [ ] Rd [ ] City, [ ] Country.

  我们是李明的妻子和女儿。李明于[ ]年[ ]月[ ]日在[ ](地点)死亡。在[ ](地点)留有房产。现我们代表我们本人及李明未成年的儿子李小明委托[ ]律师事务所(地址:[ ])律师[ ](姓名)为我们的合法代理人。全权代表我们在[ ](地点)向有关当局办理继承上述遗产的一切事宜,领取李明的遗产执管证,并全权代表我们领取、执管、变卖和处理上述遗产。代理人所签的一切有关文件,我们均予承认。

  We are the wife and daughter of Mr. Lee Ming, who died on [ ] ( date) in (name of place) and left in [ ] (name of place) his real estate. We, on behalf of ourselves and the under-age son of Lee Xiaoming, do hereby appoint [ ] (name) attorney-at-law of [ ] Law Firm (Add: [ ]) as our agent with full power to handle the cases on our behalf in [ ](name of place) in terms of applying to the authorities concerned in [ ] for our inheritance of the above-mentioned estate and for the certificate of management of the said estate, and as our plenipotentiary agent to acquire, hold, manage, sell or otherwise dispose of the estate. All the documents signed by the said agent in the process of handling the above-said affairs on our behalf will be duly recognized as valid.


  We also authorize our agent to appoint a sub-agent with the said power to act on our behalf.

  委托人: 陈[ ](签字)

  李[ ](签字)

  Principals: Chen [ ] (Signature)

  Li [ ] (Signature)

  [ ]年[ ]月[ ]日

  [ ] (Date)

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