“范文大全” 委托书


发布时间:2019-06-06 来源:委托书 手机版


  i,_____ (name), am the legal representative of henan road & bridge construction group co., ltd. (the bidder name), hereby appoint yang mei (name) as our agent. the agent is granted to sign, clarify, explain, supplement, submit, withdraw and amend the bidding documents for a1, a5 sections of qianfeng farm to nenjiang road, yichun to nenjiang section construction project, yichun to beian section civil engineering and beian to wudalianchi scenic section bridge engineering (project name). the agent is also responsible for signing the contract and dealing with relevant matters in the name of our party, and we shall bear the legal consequences.

  commission period: 90 days from the expiration date for the bidding documents submitted by the bidder

  we don’t authorize our agent to appoint a sub-agent with the said power to act on our behalf.

  attachment: certificate of identity of the legal representative

  bidder: henan road & bridge construction group co.ltd.

  (seal) legal representative: _____ (signature)

  post: general manager, chairman of the board

  id card no.: __________

  entrusted agent: __________

  post: staff of operating department

  i.d. card no.: __________


    • 建行授权委托书

      授权委托书一  中国建设银行 :  1.兹授权我单位人员 身份证号码 电话 和 身份证号码 电话 携带我单位有关资料原件前往你行办理 账户 相关业务(共计 项〔大写〕)。  □开立账户 □预留印鉴 □

    • 办理正式抵押怎么在公证处委托书三篇

      办理正式抵押怎么在公证处委托书一  兹委托_____身份证号码_______________为我的代理人,代表我办理《出生公证》事宜,代理人在其权限范围内签署的一切有关文件,我均予承认,由此在法律上产

    • 诉讼代理授权委托书

      委托单位:_________  法定代表人:_________  受委托人:_________  姓名:_________  工作单位:_________  职务:_________  职称:____

    • 民事法人代表在委托书

      受委托人姓名: 性别: 年龄:  工作单位:  住址:  现委托在我与一案中,作为我参加诉讼的委托代理人。委托权限如下:  委托人  受委托人  年 月 日  填写说明  1.委托权限授权是委托书最重

    • 销售授权委托书四篇

      销售授权委托书范本一xx公司:  兹委托***同志(身份证号码:**********)负责我公司产品的销售和结算工作,请将我公司货款转入以下开户行帐号内,由此产生的一切经济责任和法律后果由我公司承担,