“范文大全” 实习报告


发布时间:2016-11-15 来源:实习报告 手机版



zhao wenjing,since her summer holidays started on 20th august xx,she had joined in our team and become one member of the workshop,to bing into play the role of her specialized cause more greatly,we think all of the efforts just aim to deepen mastering her major of medical bioengineering that relating to manufacture industry,what's more,she would an play her role more successfully and quickly,to make contributions to her company,even and our country and our people,push forward the economic development.





关键词:进度  一线  主动性   车间  团结作风  贡献

since she joined our workshop,firstly,we had arranged her for the frontline to learn,and required her understanding of turning-lathe ,milling machine,numerical control longmen in-process centre,and the repairing of machinery electrical equipment departments.from the comprehending of other colleague,just in a 20 days of short duration ,the student had obesevered the roles of the company and the workshop,great job she made had a positive effect on the other colleagues and she could always be diligent and step forward stubbornly,do all the obeserving in her internship, we can summerize the following expression:

delligent and practical,studious and aspirant

modest and respectful,unity in colleagues;

endure hardship and be capable of hard work,don't remember lost.

key words:schedule/frontline/initiative/workshop/unity-way/contributions

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