“范文大全” 求职信


发布时间:2019-06-04 来源:求职信 手机版


dear sir,

  in reference to your advertisement in the newspaper of for a playground director,i believe that i have the qualifications to fit your position.

  i hold a degree in physical education from the university of south dakota. along with my physical education courses, i also selected many courses in psychology and child managedirector in several suburban areas surrounding the university. in the summer of 1983, i was an assistant in charge of organized sports for younger boys in walton, south dakota. the year after that, i was placed in charge of a large summer program for under privileged children in the large city of millon, south dakota.my supervisor during this time was william johnson. he has consented to act as a reference for me.

  my additional experience includes working as a city park recreation director in rockford, south dakota for the years of 1985 to the present time. in this position i am responsible for the programs in all the city park, including all organized recreation and night-time sports.

  if you feel that i am suited for the job that you have in mind. please inform me of the time convenient for an interview. i hope to hear from you in the near future.

  sincerely yours.






高校辅导员是高校学生工作最基层的领导者、组织管理者和协调者,既是教与学双向交流的信息员,又是学生学习生活的服务员。因此在大学里,我注重自己的能力培养,积极担任各种学生干部,参加各种相关的社会实践, 具有了一定的组织管理能力。目前我认为自己在这个岗位上有以下优势:









dear sir,

  in reference to your advertisement in the newspaper of for a playground director,i believe that i have the qualifications to fit your position.

  i hold a degree in physical education from the university of south dakota. along with my physical education courses, i also selected many courses in psychology and child managedirector in several suburban areas surrounding the university. in the summer of 1983, i was an assistant in charge of organized sports for younger boys in walton, south dakota. the year after that, i was placed in charge of a large summer program for under privileged children in the large city of millon, south dakota.my supervisor during this time was william johnson. he has consented to act as a reference for me.

  my additional experience includes working as a city park recreation director in rockford, south dakota for the years of 1985 to the present time. in this position i am responsible for the programs in all the city park, including all organized recreation and night-time sports.

  if you feel that i am suited for the job that you have in mind. please inform me of the time convenient for an interview. i hope to hear from you in the near future.

  sincerely yours.

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