“范文大全” 求职信


发布时间:2019-01-03 来源:求职信 手机版


   very glad to see the information with your company on cisco certification partners, i want to know that whether your company need for such a talent:
   college degrees ( chang’an university ,series incurs engineering course class), non-computer class specialty, through cet-4 (539 points), after graduation at XX year, i obtains the cisco’s ccna and the ccnp certificate through self-study.
   1. main experience in school:
   (1). participates in the school electronic athletics organizes and has been party chief of some project school team. organizes and participates in the university electricity competing the competition (has the participation confined network construction and some game server‘s erecting). have quite broad of the human relations surface. likes the networking and do some small technology of hacker.
   (2).gray experience: get the keeping after school examination punishment because contradicts teacher with schoolmates in specialized test .then lost the diploma .and never get scholarship in school life.
   2. main experience in society
   (1). work in hebei tangshan kailuan mining bureau (large-scale state-owned business)at july in 06 year, resigns from this work in september .the reason of leave: unsatisfied to some systems with the company, the work is too simple does not have the pressure and the power. before leaving job i already prepared to do what then.
   (2).between september – november i back to mother school with a friend and decide to set up a ice-cream shop. after 2 month, my friend leaves, one person alone cannot saving the situation so i failure.
   (3). december in 06 year, consider repeatedly through myself, i decided that must unifies the enterprise and the interest, then changes the direction which one i liked---the networking, from january – august in 07 year i pass the cisco’s ccna& ccnp authentication through the unceasing theoretical study and the simulation test also participated in a unit‘s network design proposal in may, gained in some precious practical experience.
   (4).i “enters the duty” the shanghai beidian industry limited company xi‘an office (large-scale private business), position: high-end router engineer. participates in shanghai bell university alcatel.7750 series route training in september, the primary coverage is for the system and the technology with each kind of vpn, and completes on 7750 realizes. in november the company dismissal me because that i am the surface antigen carry .i run each place with each big hospital professor‘s proof (to prove that i am health, does not have the seek help infectiously) to get helps ,but does not have any effect .finally the company gave the certainly economic compensation to finish.
   (5).december in 07year, i return to the hometown reluctantly ----suzhou, march in 08 year i enters the duty suzhou guanyuhulian limited company (small private business, the it outsourcing primarily) until now, i already solved the vpn solution with pix and cisco’s wireless plan.
   i hoped very much to create the value for the company also for myself my knowledge which i studies. in the networking aspect, i am not a paper authentication, i understands qos technology, voip technology, isis/eigrp/rip routing protocol, skilled applies ospf/bgp routing protocol, cisco’s wireless technology, p2pvpn,remote vpn technology, understood that mpls level 3 vpn architecture and the principle of work, skilled in ipsec principle, vlan technology. has had the actual disposition experience with the mainstream cisco’s switch, router, pix firewall, can use the ethereal software to analyze the agreement. skilled windows operating system, understands profoundly to ad. have very strong studies independently ability, also in the unceasing study new knowledge to satisfy the fast changing computer network. certainly the technology is not only, an outstanding service idea regarding technical engineer is also very important. the communication is the implementation foundation. i can be competent each pressure environment, because i believe only the pressure to be able to urge the human to solve the problem to progress unceasingly.
   if your firm did not mind that a non-computer class specialty, a work experience is not very rich, a surface antigen carrier, if your firm needs this kind of talented person: good faith, have creativity, have learning capability, if your firm also satisfies to me, please consider i. if for me the opportunity, i believed that your firm will discover this will be a bidirectional-win choice.
   contact method:telephone--13962514744
   thanks you to be able to look at this kind of application letter from me in spite of being very busy!
   best wish for you!
    job seeker: liping qian

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