“范文大全” 情书


发布时间:2019-10-29 来源:情书 手机版


  dear frank,

  i love you from now until death do us part. right now, you living so far away from me is killing me, but i know in my heart that we are doing the right thing. and, you are trying to get things straight so we can live there forever and spend a lifetime together. i don't want to lose you for anyone else or anything that anyone has to say about you. i want you to know that i love you from the deepest part of my heart. my love for you is unconditional. the love for you is so strong and the most powerful feeling that i have had in a long time and i am just at a lost for words when it comes to you. i just wish that their was another way that we could be together without living so far apart right at the time being. i want you to know that i love you and always will and there is nothing that will ever change that about how i feel...i love you.

  love always,


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