“范文大全” 口号


发布时间:2016-12-10 来源:口号 手机版


i believe you can do it !come on !!! it's nice to be important,but it's more important to be nice. join it and enjoy it! start ahead nothing is impossible engineered

go all out to do everything 全力以赴 for the love of sports 为运动而战 sure win!we are the best one! we are the best!we are the champion! united we play,united we win with our support,

challenge out own,fly our dreams start here

hopelessly devoted to a cure! you're the one that we want! practice winning everyday! no back can run winner! work will win when wishing won't! no tears,only sweat achieve u!

winners never quit! just run for yourself! ready for battle! good enough is never enough! the pride you gain is worth the pain! pain is inevitable, suffering is optional!

it's not the winning, it's the taking apart our bark is not worse than our bite! 1、第26届深圳大运会口号 申办口号:shenzhen, embraces the world! 主题口号:start here make a difference 志愿者口号:i'm here. 2、1984—XX奥运会举办城市与口号 XX,温哥华(冬奥):with glowing hearts XX,北京:one world, one dream XX,都灵(冬奥):an ever burning flame XX,雅典: welcome home XX,盐湖城(冬奥) light the fire within XX,悉尼:share the spirit. 1998,长野(冬奥):from around the world to flower as one 1996,亚特兰大:the celebration of the century 1992,巴塞罗那:friends forever 1988,汉城:harmony and progre1884,洛杉矶:play part in history 3、历届亚运会举办城市与口号 XX, 16th, guangzhou, china, 广州:thrilling games, harmonious asian XX, 15th, doha, qatar, 多哈:the games of your life XX, 14th, busan, south korea, 釜山:new vision, new asia; one asia, global busan 1998, 13th, bangkok, thailand, 曼谷:friendship beyond frontiers 1994, 12th, hiroshima, japan, 广岛:asian harmony 1990, 11th, beijing, china, 北京:unity, friendship, progre1st—10th, 前十届使用同一句口号:ever onward [戏谑链接:make a difference=英文缩略词mad,巧合!] (the end)

    • 运动会开幕式口号

      挑战运动极限,演绎健美人学!燃烧青春激情 ,宏扬奥运精神、努力拼搏,锐意进取,携手奋进,共创佳绩。风云际会, 傲视寰宇。 问鼎苍穹, 谁与争锋!扬帆把舵,奋勇拼搏,看我十班,气势磅礴!生命因运动精彩,

    • 趣味运动会口号2篇

      友谊第一、比赛第二赛出风格、赛出水平团结拼搏、争创佳绩飞跃梦想、超越刘翔挑战自我、突破极限感受运动乐趣,做不一样的你齐心协力!!力争上游!!永不言弃!!巾帼不让须眉,定点投篮谁说女子不如男 ----运

    • 田径运动会标语


    • 省运动会横幅标语


    • 班级运动会口号8字

      运动会入场式班级口号初一一班一班一班 坚强勇敢 努力拼搏 奋勇争先初一二班希望希望 团结坚强 英姿飒爽 梦想飞扬初一三班三班三班 气势非凡 乘风破浪 勇往直前初一四班我爱十九 我爱七四 团结奋进 永不