“范文大全” 介绍信


发布时间:2021-04-15 来源:介绍信 手机版




单位英文介绍信 篇1

To Whom It May Concern:

  I thereby recommend Mr. XXX to study with your university for higher education quality.

  Mr。 XXX has joined ____ (International Data Co. Ltd.) since 1998. his present position is Executive Administration in charge of office management, logistics affaires, purchasing, finance and part of human resource management.

  During the past 4 years work, her excellent performance brought her chances to get promotion constantly and now is the Executive Administration of our company. I believe her performance during the work proves her capability and coordination abilities. Her strong responsibility, communication ability as well as her good character all leave strong impression to me, but I specially impressed by her team-working spirit. She can create an atmosphere to make staff group work together efficiently to accomplish assignment. Her reliable and smart win a trust of her colleagues. We have confidence when we assign work to her. And her modest attitude is considered reliable to complex work and she did many good jobs.

  Ms Kuang has her own idea and thought about her professional development. We have talked about her professional development direction, and she mentioned about her interest in HR Management work. With her constant study of practice, she has done a good job. But she is not satisfied with her present achievement and she start to think about further education for her future career. I support her idea and strongly recommend her to your university for HR Management course.

  I believe that she will have good performance in your university. If you have any further enquires, please feel free to contact me.

  Kind Regards,

  Ken Xie









单位英文介绍信 篇2

  Directions: Your close friend in college, Li Ming, is going to pursue his postgraduate study in the foreign university where you studied before.

  Write a letter of no less than 100 words to your former teacher Professor Smith to introduce Li Mings characters and so on, expressing your hope for help from Prof. Smith.

  Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Wang Hua instead. Do not write the address.

  Dear Prof. Smith,

  I take great pleasure in introducing to you Mr. Li Ming, my classmate and best friend.

  He is going to pursue his studies as a postgraduate in your university after his graduation here. Weve lived and studied together for almost four years. No friend deserves so much love and respect as he does. His performance in the school years was outstanding. In addition, he has a very pleasant personality and staying with him is always pleasant.

  Will you please give him some guidance regarding the postgraduate entrance examination? If it is convenient, could you introduce him to the future tutor? It would be appreciated of you can give him some help.

  Yours truly,

  Wang Hua

单位英文介绍信 篇3

  Dear Sir or Madam,

  I am writing to apply for a position as a computer engineer in your company. First of all, your company is the king in the area of software and is well-known for its development of software. It would be a great opportunity for me to start my career in the company.

  What is more, my major is computer, and I have a strong interest in software.When I was still a freshman, I got Band Two certificate for computer, which was outstanding in my class.

  Besides, I have attended various computer contests and won top prizes several times, which greatly eiched my knowledge on computer. Finally, I had once worked part-timely in a company for two years, and I gained wide experience in software in these two years.

  I would be pleased if you could offer me an opportunity to interview me. Looking forward to your reply.

  Sincerely yours

  Li Hua.

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      实用的学校实习介绍信3篇   在不断进步的社会中,接触并使用介绍信的人越来越多,介绍信是机关团体必备的具有介绍、证明作用的`书信。大家知道介绍信的格式吗?以下是小编为大家整理的学校实习介绍信3篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。学校实习介绍信 篇1 ______________:  兹介绍我院学生______________,前来你处联系参加教育实习,教育实习时间为____年____月_____日——____年____月_____日.请予接洽为盼。  致 礼!  _______师范大学音乐学院  ____年_

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      实用的实习介绍信范文合集10篇   在社会发展不断提速的今天,我们使用上介绍信的情况与日俱增,介绍信是机关、团体、企事业单位介绍本单位的人员到其他单位接洽、联系、磋商工作和事情等所写的一种专用书信。大家知道介绍信的格式吗?以下是小编收集整理的实习介绍信10篇,欢迎大家分享。实习介绍信 篇1 xxxxxx医院:  我校_______级_______本科班学生_________ 将于_____年____月中旬至_____年_____月中旬进行为期_____周的毕业临床实习。  该学生入学四年以来,系统学习了中