“范文大全” 检讨书


发布时间:2018-04-24 来源:检讨书 手机版



  Dear teacher,

  Today, I with guilt and regret for you to write down the written self criticism, to say to you my deep understanding of speech this kind of undesirable behavior in class and no more class determined to gossip.

  This is a very deep inspection, I feel very ashamed for my mistake this time, I really should not talk when during morning independent study, I should not violate the provisions of the teacher, we as students should be fully listen to the teacher's words, but this time I'm not very good attention to what the teacher said, Fan Wenzhi written self criticism: everything written self criticism 2000 words. I feel very sorry, I hope the teacher can forgive my mistake, I this time repent really very deep.

  However, people always make mistakes, and I know that I can't use it as an excuse. We should try our best to avoid such mistakes and hope that the teacher can trust my repentance. "A man loses his hand, a horse stumbles." My bad behavior is not to challenge the teacher's discipline. It was a mistake. The teacher said it correctly, that you should make mistakes and you shouldn't make mistakes in front of you. I feel really ashamed that I can do this.

  Believe that the teacher saw me this attitude can also know that I have a very profound repent for this attitude, so attaches great importance to this event, I hope the teacher can forgive my mistakes, I can assure the teacher in the future will not be in during morning independent study and any other class of gossip.

  Today I was very deeply realized my mistake, know the teacher said to listen to, the teacher said is absolutely will achieve her promise, teachers have to tube must be good for us students, so we don't have to challenge the teacher's discipline, we are still students, unable to speak words have not listen to the teacher's idea, we students are the only can do is to listen to the teacher's words, good good study, the teacher can be at ease, let the teacher can be trusted.

  Made such a mistake, the expectations of my parents is also a big blow, parents are hard to make money, let our children can live better, that we can make a commitment to learning, but, but I violated the will of the parents, I made such a mistake, it is for parents rather than negative, I also feel very ashamed, the fatigue of the parents is what we don't know, in order to survive and busy every day, under tremendous pressure to the family, all this is all what we can't understand, the only thing we can do is what they are good children, listen to parents, parents are our most close person, is in now the society is the most we can trust, so we will try to avoid the parents angry, not to bring unnecessary trouble. And we as their most close of people also can't make them angry, this is mutual, when we hurt their heart, also is for her heart hurt, because we are the most close person. No one can replace it.

  This I really feel sorry, hope the teacher can forgive me, can recognize I admit, I really have a profound reflection to my mistake, hope the teacher give me the chance of mistakes and just change. I hope my classmates should also take warning, not to make the same stupid mistakes as me. The lesson is really big.

  The wrong nature is serious. I talked in class and affected other students. The results hurt the interests of many people and caused a bad influence in school. This kind of behavior, even if it does not affect classroom discipline, is still wrong, which is in itself a violation of the principle of being a student. I just ignored the feelings of the teacher, and the thoughts of the moment. It is wrong, the person is a social person, you should not just think about yourself, I do so, against the is all the classmates and talk with me, I did so, seemingly and he is very good, in fact is in him. Also, it is not respectful of teachers to gossip in class. Therefore, the teacher asked me to write a review, also to make me deeply realize this point.

  Secondly, the act of gossiping in class is also a sign of disrespect for the teacher's work. China is a state of propriety, which is a traditional virtue. I have ignored it in the past. On the other hand, not only the teacher, but also the teacher, we should respect him, respect his labor, and his labor results. I do this directly to cause disrespect to teachers, disrespect others, and disrespect the bad influence of other people's labor. As a contemporary middle school student, a person who is receiving education is clearly not in line with the demands of society.

  Again, my behavior has caused bad influence among school students and destroyed the school image. The students should learn from each other, promote each other, have good discipline, and I have brought a bad head for my classmates, which is not conducive to the construction of school style. At the same time, also caused some damage to the school image, "the eighth middle school" in people's mind has always been a rigorous academic schools, we should go to maintain the image and not to destroy it! Although I write answers to the other students in exams, this is cheating, I have a good relationship with the classmates, he speak to me, but I also want to talk and think teacher wouldn't find the fluky psychology under the consequences now. Although it is the fine traditional virtue of Chinese nation, it is the quality that contemporary high school students deserve. But now I am deeply aware that this is not kindness. When I was in the class the gossip, but also infect other classmates, this is not really good with people, but in their hurt and the classmates, night lessons is to let students review the day's lesson, no matter what the reason the gossip a lot in the class are very wrong, in violation of the principle of the student. Of course, I can't say that I'm talking about something to discuss with other students. It's not a reason to cheat. Mr. Lu xun said that the unkind help was a malicious injury. I only have to reflect seriously, to find the deep root of the wrong, to recognize the nature of the problem, to give the collective and oneself one, and thus make progress. As a student I didn't do their own, should have never gossip a lot in the class, but I was in class when the gossip, failed to live up to the teacher for the grace of my education at ordinary times, the teacher put the has taught us that knowledge is wanted us to do a useful person in society, but I was in class when the gossip cheat selfless teacher teach us the knowledge, I am now completely realize the purpose of my behavior not only help students, but the hurt him, also is a kind of deception to the teacher. The teacher since accepted the criticism of my education, I have deeply realized the seriousness of the matter, the teacher education I states that the teacher is very concerned about me, love me, so I want to listen to the teacher in the future, fully understand the teacher to our demands, and to ensure that will not happen in similar things, if other students in the class speak to me, I no longer participate, but in the initiative to tell him this is wrong, it can help teachers share sorrows, help the teacher to create a good learning atmosphere in the class. Hope the teacher give me to turn the new chance. Teacher expect us to become the backbone of the society, so my school life in the future more efforts, not only to learn the teacher teach us knowledge, more want to learn how to behave well, be a useful person in society, a man of integrity, make the teacher comfort heart good student, a teacher, like parents love is selfless for us, so I also want the teacher to our selfless spirit to carry forward, through this thing I deeply feel the teacher mood of hate iron not to produce for us, the nature of the mistake I have made is serious. I was talking about gossip in class and it was really a bad influence in the class and in the department. Such unscrupulous behavior, even if the teacher permits, is in itself a violation of the students' morality and concentration and the principle of fair competition. Such an extremely wrong behavior is a classic case of jingoism. Especially for a generation of teenagers like me. To carry forward the spirit of the eighth middle school, it is my responsibility and my unwavering direction to take the road of tenacious and enterprising. My behavior, however, runs counter to that. A good progress of students, of course, to strive for good grades, but not all, to achieve their goals by hook or by crook, this is how a relationship to adults, and how to become a major matter of principle. The growth and progress of a person is not only the improvement of academic performance, but also the cultivation and training of ideology and style. I ignored such an important question and made a directional mistake. The influence of my mistakes is very bad. In class, gossip is spoken, and in class, it is directly responsible for disrespecting students, disrespecting teachers, and disrespecting the bad influence of parents. In the past, the eighth middle school is not only a good record, good thinking, in the spirit, DuiJi etiquette, academic construction also enjoys a good reputation, and because of my mistake, greatly damage the image of XXX middle school; Originally, the teacher is very valuable to me, however, my mistakes deeply hurt their hearts; The mistakes I have made have undoubtedly had a great negative impact, with a bad head; Other students in the process of their growth, due to my mistakes, brought to them undeserved negative influence and the undeserved pressure of thought. In short, they are deeply distressed and regretful for the mistakes they have made. The mistakes I have made are profound. I have always felt the responsibility of my teachers and students, and I have always felt the responsibility to do so. But it turns out, is only the enthusiasm, hard work, to study their studies is not enough, must have a clear political savvy, overall situation consciousness and the concept of discipline, or you will get lost in the study, make the country and the school. I know, cause so much damage, I have to assume the responsibility of although can't afford to, especially for those who received education in universities, in this error should bear unshirkable main responsibility. I am genuinely open to criticism and willing to take care of it. I will further summarize and reflect on all this, and ask the teacher to believe that I can learn lessons and correct mistakes, and redouble my efforts in the future. I also sincerely hope that the teacher can continue to care and support me and treat my problems as appropriate.












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