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To obtain a public relations writing position using my strong writing skills, clear communication skills and thorough researching abilities.
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
Bachelor of Arts, English, French
Overall GPA 3.3
May 2014
Student Advisory Council to the President (2005 - present)
Dean's List (Fall 2005, Spring 2006)
Williams Scholarship for academic achievement (2006)
Omicron Delta Kappa (2005)
Winner of the National Critics Institute competition at American Theater Festival (2004)
Staff Journalist
Summer Workshop Creative Artists, Inc
Mountain View, CA
Summer 2012
Coordinated and prepared newspaper and radio releases for art schools.
Organized and executed publicity campaigns for three concurrent theater productions.
Initiated and planned a panel discussion of key artists.
Eileen Gillian and Associates
Miami, FL
Summer 2011
Researched and planned for course in public relations for small business owners.
Prepared profiles and public relations programs which emphasized increased sales and improved public image.
Johns Hopkins News-Letter
Baltimore, MD
2010 - present
News Editor/Managing Editor
Supervised 12 editorial departments and more than 100 staff members of a student-run newspaper, circulation 5,700.
Expanded cultural coverage to include reviews of all campus theater productions.
Johns Hopkins News-Letter
Baltimore, MD
2008 - 2009
Researched and reported on relevant community news.
Reviewed various campus theater productions.
Researched and reviewed local professional and amateur theater productions.
Initiated a weekly column on up and coming actors.
Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Access. Able to converse in Korean.
英文简历可搭配求职信(cover letter)