“范文大全” 简历模板


发布时间:2020-06-04 来源:简历模板 手机版




  Name: Zhou

  Nationality: China

  Current residence: Shenzhen

  Nationality: Han

  Family membership: Shenzhen

  Body material: 156 cm kg

  Marital status: Single

  Age: 24

  Job search intention and work experience

  Personnel types: ordinary job

  Position: Promoters / shopping guide, pharmaceutical sales personnel, secretarial / clerical staff:

  Work Experience: 2

  Job Title: No Title

  Job type: Full-time

  Date Available: Anytime

  Salary requirements :20xx - 3500

  I hope the working area: Shenzhen

  Work Experience

  Company Name: Guangdong Co., Ltd.

  Beginning and ending date: 20xx - 20xx

  Company Type: Private

  Industry: Medical / nursing / health / health

  Positions: Regional Manager

  Job Description: Responsible for national development and regional customer service, supervision and management of business development agents to guide and regulate the development of end-user agents to help agents to establish the right sales channels to promote their business. Marketing plan development and execution of timely collection of sales, expand customer base, expected to complete the sales target.

  Educational Background

  Graduate institutions: fiscal and taxation accounting schools

  Highest Level of Education: secondary

  Graduation date :20xx -07-01

  The profession: Administration

  Ability to work and other expertise

  Have strong organizational skills and coordination ability, skills, receiving ability to quickly adapt and blend various work environments, not afraid of pressure. Serious and responsible work, work units before being unanimously praised for good behavior, he transferred to various important jobs; now looking for a promising enterprises to realize their full potential, career orientation in the sales business classes.

  Language skills

  Foreign Languages: Fluent in English

  Mandarin level: Expert

  Cantonese: proficient


  I am enthusiastic, confident, self-motivated, serious and responsible, with a good team spirit and good personal affinity; elegant, friendly, energetic, things organized, strong sense of responsibility; has excellent thinking, communication and learning ability to love teamwork. For network culture has a strong interest in, good communication skills, be able to feel the avant-garde culture, technology trends fun. At the same time has a self-analysis and creative insight, willing to share with everyone thinking feelings.




  Gender: Female Born: Sept.03, 1977

  English: Proficient

  Computer skills: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet skills, basic Photoshop

  Southwest University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu

  Major: Business English and Trade


  Graduated: July, 1999


  Excellent Health


  1995.9----1999.7 English Major in Southwest University of Finance and Economics


  Good command of English, effective written and oral communication


  TEM 4----Band 4 certificate,


  IELTS----7.5 (Speaking 7, Reading 7.5, Listening 7.5, Writing 7)


  Proficient in the operation of Excel, Word, PowerPoint,IE and such kind of office software effectively

  WORK Capability (Photos please see below)

  Well organized, implementing order with efficiency under orientation

  Specific goal to tackle difficulties by flexible method, high persistency

  Can master knowledge necessary for the position in the shortest time

  More than 10 years’ experience to communicate with foreign colleagues, children and clients of different ethnical backgrounds

  Fluent spoken and written English

  No fear of difficulties and painstaking

  Glad to commit myself to a full-time team player

  Enthusiasm, good communication skill

  Skilled in executing orders

  Accuracy in handling details, organized work-habits

  Energetic in studying and working, and strong sense of responsibility

  Highly motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.

  Salary Expectantion:14,000-16,000RMB


  April 20xx till now, Baijia Infant and Women’s Hospital Management Group

  Job title: Translator/Interpretor/Assistant to VP

  Responsible for aiding day-to-day work and communication between VP(Canadian) and Native team, arranging all activities and events related with VP’s work

  Conference translation for marketing events and opening ceremonies, as well as foreign experts training,

  Travel to Local hospitals in Guangzhou, Dongguan, Hangzhou, Wenzhou, Hefei and Changsha to join marketing events and provide internal training.

  Example of Routine Work-Work Report for April 20xx.

  April 8-12: Guangzhou ESLB: Branding meeting, stress management marketing lecture, Visit Dr Ghadiran in Shenzhen.

  April 13-14: Hefei: judge in Anhui singing contest marketing event for LR Hospital.

  April 15- 23 : Guangzhou ESLB: five marketing events on maternity fitness and stress management. Training classes on AIDET (service system for medical staff),

  April 27-29: Changhsha for marketing event.

  April 30- Guanghzou.

  July 20xx – January 20xx. IDFGlobal

  Job title: Translator /Project Manager

  Responsible for aiding communication in all production phases of animation in IDFGlobal,

  Working with nationals and internationals (New Zealanders, Australians, Frenchman, Britons etc. ) to ensure that daily communication is smooth,

  Responsible for executing workload of each project and managing schedule.

  Other Administrative work

  November, 20xx till July 20xx. Digital Opportunity Trust

  Job title: Administrative Assistant

  Responsible for aiding the Program Manager in running daily matters smoothly.

  Responsible for daily communication.

  Working with bookkeeper to manage everyday finance and cash.

  Seeking highlights of everyday work and Providing newsletters on DOT Global website, newspaper and other medias.

  Keeping minutes and providing translation and interpretation when necessary.

  May, 20xx—Aug, 20xx Earthquake Relief

  Job title: Translator and part-time office assistant

  Responsible for training relief volunteers how to use Water-purification system,

  Providing office assistance for American directors.

  Oral and written translation of administrative and technical documents.

  Dec, 20xx—Apr, 20xx Sichuan Xilian Advertising & Media Co., Ltd

  Job title: Account Manager

  Responsible for costumer contacts such as those with Five Grain Liquor, Kingway Beer, Gildeer Lady Shoes Co., Ltd, Aiminer Leather Goods Co., Ltd

  Signed two contracts with clients, securing RMB¥200,000 revenue for the company.

  Sept, 20xx—Jan, 20xx Sino-Australian Program, Sichuan Electricity Vocational College

  Job title: teacher

  Responsible for teaching management and economics courses bilingually; IELTS course.

  Achievements: translation of a Psychology book

  took part in editing of English Textbook for college students.

  July, 20xx/07—July, 20xx Chengdu Meishi International School

  Job title: teacher

  Responsible for teaching students from UK, USA, Pakistan and Korea Mathematics, Science and Chinese,

  July, 20xx—July, 20xx Free-lance

  Industry: Tutoring

  Responsible for providing tutoring in Chinese to American clients

  Sept, 1999—July, 20xx Chengdu Pacific Investment Counseling Ltd,. Co.

  Job title: Translator

  Responsible for providing translation and interpretation as necessary,

  occasional traveling and interpretation on field trips,

  Mar, 1999-June, 1999 (Intern) Chengdu Ever-bright (Guangda) Tourist Agency

  Job title: office assistant

  Responsible for collecting information and dealing with papers for Sales Manager.



  If you are interested in my cv, can send photos at the following events.

  Interprating for CEO& President of DOT-Global

  At Dujiangyan Municipal Office

  Feb, 20xx

  Interpreting for CEO& President of DOT-Global

  At DOT-China Dujiangyan Middle School TeachUp! Program

  Feb, 20xx

  Interpreting for New Zealand Embassador at event for Oscar Exhibition in Chengdu, Dec. 20xx

  Interpreting for Vice President Steve Gergely at Press Conference for Beauty contest, Dongguan, & interpreting for critics at beauty contest: left Hungarian Physiotherapist Norbert Csulik & VP Steve Gergely, August, 20xx

  Interpreting for QHA (Qualification for Health careAccreditation) Trainer Elizabeth Brownhills from Trent, England, September 20xx

  Accompanying Elizabeth to QHA Launching Ceremony & Press Conference

  September 20xx

  Translating for Board Member, OB/GYN & IVF Expert TC. Li at Press Conference September, 20xx

  Thank you for your time.

  Best Regards


  gentle, generous, cheerful, helpful and hard-working, able to withstand greater pressure.

  To actively unite colleagues, it has a positive team spirit.

  It has a strong and customers, suppliers and brothers departments communication and coordination skills,

  It has a wealth of experience in the structural design of small household electrical appliances,

  Has a rich imagination and creativity, and has broad expertise to solve the project design, production and certification appears incurable diseases.






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        简历如同是产品的广告和说明书,是求职者给招聘单位发的第一份简要介绍。以下是范文大全小编整理的投简历邮件正文英文,以供大家参考。投简历邮件正文英文一:  Name:  Gender:Female  Date of Birth:August 23th,1970  Martial Status:Married  Phone:(8610) 6672-1234  Address:No.29, Beisanhuan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing 10029, China  STR

    • 英文简历字体段落格式要求

        简历是求职者应聘活动的起点,也是招聘者招聘工作的开端。对求职或招聘的任一方而言,简历都具有着重要的现实意义。以下是范文大全小编整理的英文简历字体段落格式要求,以供大家参考。英文简历字体段落格式要求:  ① 字体:建议用TimesNewRoman或Palatino。在哈佛商学院的字体是“Palatinopreferred TimesNew Romanacceptable。”  ② 字号:一般最好用10号,即小五。不过,就象刚才讲的那样,在学生简历中也可用12号字,即小四。  ③

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    • 初中生自我简介范文

        初中生自我简介是向别人展示自己的一个重要手段,自我简介的好坏,甚至直接关系到你给别人的第一印象。下面由范文大全小编为你提供的初中生自我简介范文,希望能帮到你。初中生自我简介范文(一)  各位同学们,大家好,我的名字叫樊振宇。在学校里,这是我与大家的第4次见面,想必大家对我还不是很熟悉。所以,下面我就为大家做一个简单的自我介绍。  我今年13岁,圆圆的脸上,镶嵌着一双炯炯有神的小眼睛。我的眉毛又黑又粗,好似两把大扫帚,在圆圆的鼻子下面,长着一张能说会道的嘴巴。  我生活在一个甜蜜的四口之家中,我的妈妈是