“范文大全” 简历模板


发布时间:2020-03-23 来源:简历模板 手机版




  Dear Sir/Madam,

  Everybody is good! My name is XXXX, graduated from xx school xx professional, elective xx. While at school, major in the professional class have xx (here add applied position related courses or say into position required courses for elective courses, especially important), according to the knowledge, but also in some specific project fact, such as institute unique JingPinKe xx, in which the main modules, or as responsible for xx group work, applied the xx xx (apply for related courses) skills, financial knowledge and so on, have achieved what kind of xx results. In practice, deepened to xx improve recognition and the actual operation ability this kind of work.

  In addition, in school also attended some club activities, such as xx (here best say 1-2 samples as college xx anniversary activity or courtyard luck would), in which the students and strengthen the communication, fully understanding team collaboration brings the efficiency of team cooperation and responsibility, a new experience and knowledge. Personality, first is more honest and optimistic, enthusiasm.

  Secondly, with team spirit, steadfast effort, strong sense of responsibility. Here recruited your enterprise of xx position, it is to build his learned into full play, and study here growth.

  your sincerely,



  Dear Sir/Madam,

  Mr. Newman Song was one of the undergraduate students whom I taught and my research assistant in my research programs. My close contact with Mr. Song and my relatively deep understanding of his character and his academic performance qualify me as the most appropriate person to recommend this promising young man who is currently applying for a degree program at your university.

  As adviser of Mr. Song's graduation design, I collaborated with him for more than one year. In this process, Mr. Song left a very deep impression on me. He possessed a profound understanding of the nature of mechanical engineering. Moreover, he is rigorous in his scientific mentality and perseverant in his research stamina. He distinguished himself from his fellow students by his exceptional capability in making important findings. All those precious qualities are incorporated in his graduation design.

  For his graduation design, Mr. Song concentrated on The Surface Alloy Treatment of the Cylinder Piston Ring of Desert Vehicles by Laser, which was a major challenge for an undergraduate. The project involved a considerable amount of knowledge outside his area of specialization. In order to ensure the successful execution of the project, Mr. Song consulted a large amount of technical literature in those related fields and acquired all the necessary background knowledge for undertaking his research. The project called for substantial fieldwork and experimentation and Mr. Song tried his best to be meticulous in every detail. He was independently responsible for the laser treatment of the product, a crucial step in the entire project, and the subsequent sampling and testing. His personal efforts contributed importantly to the final consummation of the program.

  Equally impressive is Mr. Song's innovative spirit. During the research, he came up with quite a few valuable and constructive suggestions. I incorporated almost all of his suggestions into the actual research. The effectiveness of those important advices has been fully demonstrated in practice. Another important factor that contributed to his research success is his readiness to cooperate with others. He is adept at interpersonal communications coordination. Consequently, all the problems that occurred in the process were smoothly and speedily worked out.

  On the basis of his heretofore prominent performance, I fully believe that Mr. Song is replete with potentials which will enable him to adapt to his future academic environment at your university. With all the excellent research facilities and invaluable instructions by the renowned professors that your university provide.

  your sincerely,



  Dear Sir/Madam,

  I am writing to recommend one of my best friends, Zhou Botong, for this post. With his outstanding leadership and cheerful personality, he was elected chairperson of the Student Union of Tsinghua University several times.

  Busy as he was, he completed his major, teenage psychology, with an outstanding school record. Upon graduation he was assigned to be a teacher in Tsinghua Middle School. What is more, he loves his job and enjoys working with children. This won him great popularity among his students.

  Therefore, I do not hesitate to recommend him as an ideal candidate for the post you advertised. I am sure you will make a wise decision in hiring him.

  your sincerely,


    • 保险个人简历范文

        一份卓有成效的求职简历是打开求职成功之门的钥匙。那关于保险个人简历有哪些呢?下面是范文大全小编为你整理的保险个人求职简历范文,希望对你有帮助。保险个人简历范文篇1  姓名: 性别:女 民族:汉族 年龄:24岁  目前所在地:苏州 户口所在地:安徽  婚姻状况:未婚 求职类型:保险  爱好:  个人学习经历:1995年7月毕业于XXXX学院,大专学历(本科在读);  所学外语专业:英语、日语、双语专业:维吾尔语精通。  工作经验:  1996年2月进入人保财险公司工作,从事内勤、查勘理赔、营销等工作  

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    • 导购个人简历范文3篇

        一份好的简历往往能给导购求职者带来好的机遇。下面是范文大全小编为大家带来的导购个人简历范文,相信对你会有帮助的。导购个人简历范文(一)  个人资料  姓 名:  目前所在: 湛江  年  龄: 21  户口所在: 汕头  国  籍: 中国  婚姻状况: 未婚  民  族: 汉族  身  高:  体  重:  人才类型:  应聘职位: 人事专员/助理, 行政专员/助理  工作年限: 1 职  称: 无职称  求职类型: 实习 可到职日期: 三个月  月薪要求: 1500--20xx 希望工作地区: 深圳

    • 简历海投的学问

        一提到简历,很多企业的HR都会习惯性地摇摇头说,现在的学生真喜欢海投。事实上,真正让HR无奈微笑的并不是海投,而是盲投。所谓盲投,就是用同一份简历去投一百个职位。这样的求职方式既缺乏目标,又浪费时间,而且事倍功半,成功率低。久而久之,你的自信心也很可能被消磨殆尽。盲投更会给企业带来职业方向不明、缺乏认真准备等负面印象。  在这里,我们要提倡的是海投,绝非盲投。海投绝非通常理解的盲投,而是由针对性的争取尽可能多的机会。如果你真的要投出一百个职位,那就要改出一百份不同的简历。海投也要有所选择、有所区别,有

    • 让简历脱颖而出的方法

        简历要想脱颖而出必须依靠丰富素材,即你的经历与故事。丰富而恰当的素材能够使你的简历生动鲜活,富有吸引力。我们在成长过程中会积累大量的经历与经验,其中很多对企业颇具价值,却往往被大家忽视。因此,在简历写作前,我们必须要做到通过系统总结自己的经历与经验,挖掘个人价值与竞争优势。因此,在本章中,我们将从个人经历汇总表、动词汇总表与个人优势汇总表三个表格的制作步骤与要领出发,向大家详细介绍简历素材准备的具体方法:  首先,我们先按时间顺序回忆自己从进入大学到求职之时的个人经历和自己在相关事件中的具体行动与体验