“范文大全” 简历模板


发布时间:2020-03-18 来源:简历模板 手机版




  Name: Miss Ye

  Sex: Female

  National: Han

  Political landscape: members

  Date of Birth: August 1986

  Account: Zhejiang Jiaxing

  Marital status: unmarried

  Education: tertiary

  Graduate institutions: Joint Vocational & Technical College, Hangzhou

  Graduation Time: June 20xx

  The Science: Business Administration

  Language: English (General)

  Computer level: skilled

  Work Experience: 1 year

  Contact: 1599999999

  Job intentions

  Work type: Full-time

  Nature of units: open

  Expectations of the industry: Internet, e-commerce, Alerts, consumer goods (food, beverage, daily chemical, tobacco, etc.), the wholesale, retail (shopping malls, boutiques, department stores, supermarkets), office equipment, supplies, transportation, logistics, express delivery

  Expect jobs: cashier, department assistant / secretary / clerk, graduates, client services specialists / assistants, back office

  Working Location: Hangzhou

  Expectations of a monthly salary: 1000-20xx


  20xx-09 - 20xx-06 Wanxiang Hangzhou Vocational and Technical College Business Administration

  The contents of the study:

  The basis of accounting, financial management, international trade, economics, management, project management, business negotiations, human resources management, logistics management, marketing, basic computer, e-commerce, such as business etiquette.

  Work experience

  December 20xx -20xx in Lianhua in February off the coast of the century shops, internships理货员

  In March 20xx, I -4 days in Hangzhou on Information Technology Co., Ltd. Audit Internship

  May 20xx -6 Hangzhou on Color Printing Co., Ltd. Yick-kai clerks

  Professional skills

  Received awards

  University: 20xx school year was "good student"

  20xx school year was "third-class scholarship"

  20xx school year was "third-class scholarship"

  High School: in 20xx the "third text entry," "outstanding member"


  January 20xx ISO9000: 20xx quality management system internal auditors

  June 20xx job card accounting

  Zhejiang Province in March 20xx level NCRE

  June 20xx Junior National Computer

  June 20xx abacus technical certificates


  "Efforts will not necessarily be successful, but certainly does not succeed!" Is my faith in life. I strive to learn the hard professional courses, and achieved excellent results, and has received scholarship classes, test out their qualification certificates. I am familiar with the operation of various office software, good English, text entry fast and familiar with accounting practices. I treat people sincerely friendly, hard, serious and responsible work.


  Name: Tang

  Sex: Male

  National: Han

  Date of birth: June 1987

  Marital status: unmarried

  Height: 171cm

  Weight: 60kg

  Residence: Quanzhou, Fujian Province

  Is the location: Huli district, Xiamen, Fujian

  Graduate school: western Fujian Vocational and Technical College

  Education: specialist

  Professional Title: Logistics Management

  Year of Graduation: 20xx

  Work experience: less than one year

  Contact Tel:

  Job intentions

  The nature of jobs: full-time

  Post Category: Procurement

  Job Title:单证员warehouse operations;

  Work areas: Xiamen;

  Treatment requirements: about 1000 yuan / month may be negotiable; do not need to provide housing

  Reported for duty time:到岗may at any time

  Skills expertise

  Language skills: good English; Mandarin general

  Computer Level: Proficiency in the use of WORD, EXCEL, PowerPoint Office software, to understand the internal accounting

  Education and training

  Educational Background:

  Time school qualifications

  September 20xx - June 20xx in western Fujian Vocational and Technical College

  Training experience:

  Training time for the theme of the training institutions

  May 20xx - June 20xx in western Fujian Vocational and Technical College International Business单证员

  Work experience

  Company: Win or freight forwarders

  Time frame: 20xx 11 months - January 20xx

  Company nature: private / private companies

  Industry: transportation, logistics, express delivery <

  Post as: logistics / warehousing - logistics Commissioner / Assistant

  Job Description: The main responsibility for the company's distribution and delivery, especially to the various factories to delivery to assist managers to deal with companies of all things! Familiar with the operation of the entire logistics process.


  I am a man who likes to reach out to love the business of university graduates. To me, the freedom of wealth has always been my desire, so I think that once the wealth of individual freedom is the ultimate goal in life, there is a better interpretation of the meaning. Three years at the university, and I have always been a positive learning and living the main tone. I had a lot of time and energy into a number of social practice and part-time work, want to enhance their capacity and enhance understanding of the value of life, and explore how to realize their own way the value of the Road. At the same time in constant contact with the community to enhance their own level of education improved, so the theory of practice from theory to practice, with an open mind to seek advice from an experienced veteran and their different views, and strive to correct their own deficiencies and give full play to their own advantages, review and explore new methods and knowledge.


  Name: Mr. Peng

  Sex: Male

  National: Han

  Political outlook: Party members

  Date of Birth: May 1986

  Account: Hangzhou

  Marital status: unmarried

  Education: Undergraduate

  Graduate institutions: Hubei Institute for Nationalities

  Graduation Time: June 20xx

  Specialties: Japanese

  Language: Japanese (professional)

  Computer level: skilled

  Work Experience: Internship / year


  Job intentions

  Work type: Full-time

  Nature of units: open

  Expectations of the industry: trade, import and export

  Expectations of the post: Japanese, trade / logistics / procurement / transportation, production, sales

  Working Location: Hangzhou

  Expectations of a monthly salary: Open / Negotiable


  20xx -20xx West Lake in Hangzhou High School in July

  In 20xx -20xx Hubei Institute for Nationalities in June in Japanese

  Work experience

  July 20xx -20xx In January Zhejiang Textile Import & Export Co., Ltd. internship stars


  Received national scholarships

  There is the arrangement, such as initiatives to help parents with household chores, and parents talk regularly to exchange the feelings of the parents work on the issue of life to free a timely manner.

  Have a stronger organizational capacity, the activities of planning and public relations capacity, such as the Communist Youth League organizations, the city has several large-scale activities (such as: concern about the children left, the contribution snowstorm performance, etc.)

  Application of strong language and expression, such as planning the work of the Youth League briefing, magazine editor-in-chief of the hospital "My University" at major public events and have spoken to preside over regular meeting of Communist Youth League.

  The discovery of strong issues and problem-solving skills, and be good at thinking, for example, from the reality of the Communist Youth League in time to amend to delete ineffective system, added some new system in line with the actual work.

  Responsible, motivated, self-confidence, such as the semester you take the initiative to participate in the hospital on the deputy secretary of the Communist Youth League campaign, and the success of the election.

  Passion to work, for example, from freshman to junior has served as student leaders.

  Innovation, such as the "open, service-oriented, innovative, institutionalization, standardization, information, publicity, talents, culture" of the Communist Youth League to develop new ideas.

  Serious efforts to learn, the outstanding, if the national scholarships and fellowships for three consecutive years by the colonel. In addition, there is a strong team spirit, happy to learn from others, have a stronger ability to deal with interpersonal relationships.

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