“范文大全” 简历模板


发布时间:2020-02-20 来源:简历模板 手机版








  interpersonal skills - ability to put people at ease; dependable, organized, efficient ;team player; self-starter

  business experience:

  the health institute, division of clinical care research, new england medical center, boston, ma

  november XX - present, executive assistant to director and to research scientist

  created prepress drafts for flyers, catalogs, order forms, and price lists

  managed digital image library

  formatted digital images for website

  coordinated co-op program and produced credit memos

  wrote memos, presentations, and correspondence for vice president

  maintained excel sheets for budget, brand id program, and retail mailer program

  monitored invoices

  health dialog, inc., boston, ma

  sept. 1998-april 1999 administrative assistant for healthcare management firm

  edited and produced company newsletter

  maintained company database

  performed internet research on health topics and competition

  reviewed and analyzed health videos

  created powerpoint presentations

  fulfilled orders for videotapes

  teaching experience:

  taught in nursery school for 5 years and kindergarten for two years



  338, 5th north ave,

  denver, co, 54775

  (217) 495- 8382


  a marketing position using my leadership, interpersonal, and organizational skills.


  cornell university, ithaca, ny

  b.s. agricultural, resource, and managerial economics, may 1997

  3.26 gpa dean's list

  ho-nun-de-kah, college of agriculture and life sciences honor society

  summary of experience


  supervised all store operations during manager's absence.

  arranged and directed two marketing events for agway.

  trained employees in the mortgage processing department.

  elected new student directory editor; determined directory's content, layout, and format.

  selected company to publish directory.

  directed and organized canned food drive for the red cross.

  organized and motivated 50+ volunteers for service projects.


  assisted hundreds of agway customers in the areas of gardening and pet supplies.

  negotiated publishing company contracts with professionals for the directory.

  interacted with local and regional red cross offices.

  motivated over 40 shoppers to donate canned foods.

  aided customers by providing loan pay-off figures, payments, interest, and credit data.


  remerchandised several department sections to help improve consumer sales.

  reorganized process for receiving feedback on new student directory.

  devised efficient method for recycling paper for mortgage processing department.

  designed poster that aided in recruiting new fraternity members.


  prepared, conducted, and analyzed customer service survey for agway.

  created managerial accounting budget using lotus 1-2-3.

  organized and analyzed credit reports and verifications of deposits, loans, and employment.

  conducted research to locate check information.


  management intern, agway inc., concord, ma

  mortgage processor, compass bank, bedford, ma

  loan servicing clerk, compass bank, bedford, ma

  deposit services clerk, national bank of fairhaven, acton, ma

  campus and other activities

  alpha phi omega: concessions chair, sunshine co-chair

  chairperson of the american red cross canned food and blood drive

  cornell symphony orchestra

  dickson hall senate member


  name :



  • completed three years of undergraduate coursework towards b.a. in sociology

  • dean#39;s list, 1999 - XX

  • columnist, student newspaper


  • proficient in word, powerpoint, excel and access.

  • typing speed of 60 wpm.

  • data entry dictation

  employment history

  harrisburg ymca, harrisburg, pa

  assistant youth programs coordinator, 1999 - present

  part time position. designed and implemented schedule of athleticactivities and educational programs for children in the ymcaafterschool program. also served as assistant summer camp director.

  staples office store, harrisburg, pa

  customer service, 1997 - 1999

  responsible for assisting customers with purchases, returns, exchanges, and special orders

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