“范文大全” 简历模板


发布时间:2018-12-29 来源:简历模板 手机版

  Foreign trade salesman

  Name: Nationality: China

  Present location: Xuzhou: the Manchu Nationality

  Height: 165cm 60kg

  Marital status: single age: 32

  Job search intention and work experience

  Job: foreign trade salesman / foreign trade merchandiser

  Work experience: 5 years or above title: primary

  Job type: full time, within a week of availability


  Personal experience:

  Company name: Jiangsu building materials Co., Ltd. 2010-09 to the present foreign trade salesman

  Job responsibilities:

  1, responsible for international trade business development;

  2, through various channels to find and contact the dealer building materials products abroad.

  Reasons for leaving: the company scale is limited, can not provide greater development space.

  Self evaluation:

  Have a certain ability to open up the market, excellent written English, good spoken English can independently receive customers and foreign customers face to face communication; have team spirit, cheerful, obey the leadership arrangement, able to work under pressure; familiar with foreign trade and export business.

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    • 土建工程师个人求职简历表格

      个人信息目前所在:湖南年龄:31籍贯:湖南国籍:中国婚否:未婚民族:汉族身高:171 cm体重:62 kg  简历求职意向求职职位:公路/桥梁/港口/隧道工程/结构/土木/土建工程师/首席技术执行官C

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