“范文大全” 欢迎词


发布时间:2020-04-10 来源:欢迎词 手机版



  First of all, I am very honored to welcome you to the growing family of Zhengzhou Xihua Medical Instrument Co。, Ltd。 From now on, you have become an important member of this enterprise。 You are injected into the company's fresh blood, and you are the future of the company。

  The atmosphere of people oriented, respecting knowledge and respecting talents has long been the result of the Zhengzhou Xihua Medical Equipment Co。, Ltd。, hoping that you can respect and understand each member of the family。 Appreciate and identify with those colleagues who work hard for their lives。 Here, no matter what position, there are equal opportunities for promotion。 In addition, all kinds of training are also advancing, "making progress in daily work。 "It's our heart。 In line with the "people—oriented" talent strategy, the company provides a complete development space for excellent employees, which not only provides good working environment and treatment, but also maximally stimulates the potential of the individual and plays its own value。 While creating wealth for society, we also create wealth for ourselves。

  Fortunately, we did not have pre job training in our age。 We didn't understand the situation after entering the office。 We took a lot of detours, and we couldn't get into the role anymore。 Now, after the entry, there will be pre job training。 Through training, you will get more information and get into the post role faster。 Our company attaches great importance to the training before the job, and is well prepared。 We believe that through training, we will be able to change the role as soon as possible, enter the state and adapt to the new work。

  Here, the training of the company continues to advance, no matter what positions have equal opportunities for promotion, provide a good platform for excellent staff development space, pride intertwined with this task, the passion haunts the cause, we put into the training of this new employee in the study, let us use the empty cup mentality To learn from every lecturer and lay a solid foundation for our future。


  Good morning, distinguished leaders and staff members。

  First of all, I sincerely welcome all the new staff to join the big team that is developing the rental contract book house。 I am XX from the human resources department。 I am very honored。 I am the host of today's training。 I hope you can get everyone's support and cooperation。 Thank you all。

  From today on, you have become an important member of the * * * group。 You are the fresh blood injected into the company, and you are also the future of the company。 Hope you can with every member of the family of mutual respect, mutual understanding and mutual learning Children's Day singing contest closing string xi。 Here, the company's training is also constantly advancing, regardless of what positions, all have equal opportunities to upgrade。 * * * * * to provide good platform and development space for excellent employees, proud to intertwined with this task。 * * * * lingers on this career。 We jointly devote ourselves to this new employee's training, so that we can learn from empty cups to every lecturer and lay a solid foundation for future work。

  Our group requires each person to be highly recognized by the marketing department of the marketing department to be responsible for the job market department, high standard, high quality and creative job responsibility。 In order to do fine, do special work, do more work, active, and think more ways, equipment and power department post responsibility equipment disillusion, down to the ground from every detail, every part of the hand, tolerance, perseverance, sand into a big device。

  Our company always pursues customer satisfaction。 Every word and act in your work represents the image of the company, not just yourself。 We should complete the work with a positive, enthusiastic, initiative, quick, correct and safe behavior。 Summary of primary school teachers' personal school—based study

  We are eager to see that you have a real quality, a passionate attitude, a tenacious will, courtesy, quick efficiency, innovative ideas, and a cooperative team spirit to play a good role in the big stage of the company!

  We believe that the company will be better and better because of your addition。 * * * will become a famous brand and enjoy high reputation in the society。 At the same time, you will also get some gains and improvements。

  Let's work together!公司英语欢迎词范文1

  First of all, I am very honored to welcome you to the growing family of Zhengzhou Xihua Medical Instrument Co。, Ltd。 From now on, you have become an important member of this enterprise。 You are injected into the company's fresh blood, and you are the future of the company。

  The atmosphere of people oriented, respecting knowledge and respecting talents has long been the result of the Zhengzhou Xihua Medical Equipment Co。, Ltd。, hoping that you can respect and understand each member of the family。 Appreciate and identify with those colleagues who work hard for their lives。 Here, no matter what position, there are equal opportunities for promotion。 In addition, all kinds of training are also advancing, "making progress in daily work。 "It's our heart。 In line with the "people—oriented" talent strategy, the company provides a complete development space for excellent employees, which not only provides good working environment and treatment, but also maximally stimulates the potential of the individual and plays its own value。 While creating wealth for society, we also create wealth for ourselves。

  Fortunately, we did not have pre job training in our age。 We didn't understand the situation after entering the office。 We took a lot of detours, and we couldn't get into the role anymore。 Now, after the entry, there will be pre job training。 Through training, you will get more information and get into the post role faster。 Our company attaches great importance to the training before the job, and is well prepared。 We believe that through training, we will be able to change the role as soon as possible, enter the state and adapt to the new work。

  Here, the training of the company continues to advance, no matter what positions have equal opportunities for promotion, provide a good platform for excellent staff development space, pride intertwined with this task, the passion haunts the cause, we put into the training of this new employee in the study, let us use the empty cup mentality To learn from every lecturer and lay a solid foundation for our future。


  Good morning, distinguished leaders and staff members。

  First of all, I sincerely welcome all the new staff to join the big team that is developing the rental contract book house。 I am XX from the human resources department。 I am very honored。 I am the host of today's training。 I hope you can get everyone's support and cooperation。 Thank you all。

  From today on, you have become an important member of the * * * group。 You are the fresh blood injected into the company, and you are also the future of the company。 Hope you can with every member of the family of mutual respect, mutual understanding and mutual learning Children's Day singing contest closing string xi。 Here, the company's training is also constantly advancing, regardless of what positions, all have equal opportunities to upgrade。 * * * * * to provide good platform and development space for excellent employees, proud to intertwined with this task。 * * * * lingers on this career。 We jointly devote ourselves to this new employee's training, so that we can learn from empty cups to every lecturer and lay a solid foundation for future work。

  Our group requires each person to be highly recognized by the marketing department of the marketing department to be responsible for the job market department, high standard, high quality and creative job responsibility。 In order to do fine, do special work, do more work, active, and think more ways, equipment and power department post responsibility equipment disillusion, down to the ground from every detail, every part of the hand, tolerance, perseverance, sand into a big device。

  Our company always pursues customer satisfaction。 Every word and act in your work represents the image of the company, not just yourself。 We should complete the work with a positive, enthusiastic, initiative, quick, correct and safe behavior。 Summary of primary school teachers' personal school—based study

  We are eager to see that you have a real quality, a passionate attitude, a tenacious will, courtesy, quick efficiency, innovative ideas, and a cooperative team spirit to play a good role in the big stage of the company!

  We believe that the company will be better and better because of your addition。 * * * will become a famous brand and enjoy high reputation in the society。 At the same time, you will also get some gains and improvements。

  Let's work together!

    • 计量认证领导检查欢迎词

      尊敬的各位领导、专家:  大家好!  非常高兴迎来了各位领导、专家在百忙之中莅临XX检查指导工作,我们十分重视这次对XX的机构审查认可和计量认证复审,XX要求要全力以赴,抓好这次双认证复审工作,各位领导、专家的到来不但是对我们工作的检查,更是为我们提供了一次极好的学习机会。在此,我代表XXX对各位表示最真挚的感谢和最热烈的欢迎。  XX是农业大省,粮棉油、果茶菜、肉蛋鱼等主要农产品总产量大,商品率高。因此,保护农产品生产力水平,保障农产品质量安全是我省“三农”工作的重中之重。XXX历来高度重视农产品质量安

    • 校长致交流学校师生的欢迎词

      尊敬的zz小学陈主任、老师们、同学们  早上好!  迎着初升的太阳,踏着春天的脚步,我们相聚在这里,欢迎我们的友好学校zz小学的师生来校浸儒、交流。首先,请允许我代表学校全校师生对z小学的领导、老师和同学的来访表示热烈欢迎。  时间过得很快,转眼间一年过去了,清晰地记得去年三月,吴校长亲自带队率领z小学的部分师生来我校交流的情景。我们欣赏到z小学的师生多才多艺,彬彬有礼,谦虚好学。很多小朋友与我们的孩子结下了深厚友谊。从此开始了两校的友谊之路。去年暑假,我率领苏州工业园区校长代表团赴z考察、交流、学习,有

    • 创建学习组织争做知识型职工启动仪式欢迎词

      各位领导、同志们:  今天,泰安市总工会在肥矿集团举办“创建学习型组织,争做知识型职工”活动启动仪式,并前来我矿观摩指导,这既是对我矿各项工作的肯定,也是对我们工作的鞭策和鼓励。在此,我代表矿党委、矿行政、矿工会和全矿广大干部职工,向各位领导和同志们的到来,表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!  我们白庄矿现有在册职工3800多人,1979年建成投产,矿井井田面积17平方公里,地质储量1。3亿吨,原设计生产能力30万吨,后经矿井改扩建,现实际生产能力超过百万吨水平,是一座正在发展中的年轻矿井,也是集团公司第一上缴

    • 怎样写好欢迎词

      怎样写好欢迎词1   欢迎词是接待工作中经常使用的致辞,需要注意的是,致接待词的时候,站姿是相当重要的。如果是男性致辞者,则要注意双脚比肩稍窄;如果是女性致辞者,则可以使用小“V”型或丁字步站立。  致欢迎词的内容一般包括:  表示欢迎:例如“欢迎光临”。  介绍人员:例如“这是某某某”。  预告项目:例如“我们今天的活动安排是……”  表明态度:例如“再次真心欢迎您的光临”。  预祝成功:例如“让我们……”  我们看一个案例:  各位尊敬的嘉宾,亲爱的朋友们:  大家晚上好!  首先,我谨代表**公司的

    • 工作室揭牌仪式校长的欢迎词

      各位领导、老师们:  大家上午好!  今天,我们在这里举行鼎湖区“xx名师工作室”揭牌仪式,这标志着我们区在师资队伍建设方面又迈出了重要一步。在此,我谨代学校对名师工作室的成立表示热烈的祝贺!对在座各位的到来表示诚挚的欢迎!  振兴教育的希望在于加强教师队伍建设。打造一支师德高尚、业务精湛、结构合理、充满活力的高素质专业化教师队伍,是我们区昨天、今天、明天不变的追求。  我校将落实“名师工作室”开展工作的保障措施,提升名师工作室的`建设水平。希望名师工作室狠抓教师培养,努力提高名师工作室的工作质量,增进名