“范文大全” 感谢信


发布时间:2018-05-17 来源:感谢信 手机版




  dear naclopendoor.org,

  we are the parents of yan han. it's a great honor for our daughter to be chosen by your organization after the test and interviewing. in the middle of august, 2010, yan han went to minnesota, usa, as an exchange student of 11th grade.


  having been in america for more than two months, our daughter, yan han, have gotten a good care from the sweetest families. the american family's father james and mother karen treat her just like their own daughters. my daughter calls james and karen “father” and “mother”. for studies, her american parents choose the curriculum carefully and make every effort to help her improve her english listening and speaking ability.


  for her life aspect, they take her eating custom into consideration, and tell her feel easy just like at her chinese home. when we chat with our daughter through on-line video, we often see that her american parents send some midnight snack for her.


  in order to be familiar with the us as soon as possible, yan han joins the basketball team and the cross country long-distance running team under the help of american parents. and they accompanied yan han to some interesting places such as amusement park and kansas state, etc. american father and mother also often talk openly with our daughter. when finding some difficulties in study and life, they help her solve promptly.


  american mother has also specially recorded our daughter’s active situations in us with dv. she said that when we meet our daughter in china, we certainly will receive a big surprise that yan han makes a great progress not only in her english ability but also in socialist manner. my daughter said that living in the american family is perfect and she feels happy and lucky.


  american mother always send us e-mails to communicate with us about yan han’s life and study situations. the every e-mail moves us and we deeply feel the warm humanity from americans. we (yan han’s parents) also once studied in america and got mba degree in usa. at that time, we received the generous help from american people. and now, our daughter has gotten the same kind of help, which make us full of gratitude. we heartily hope that the sino-us people can become the very good friends, and we are willing to make our contribution to maintaining the sino-us people's friendly relationship.


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