“范文大全” 发言稿


发布时间:2020-03-10 来源:发言稿 手机版




  To all the teachers, both old and new students I say good morning.

  It is my honour to stand before you and deliver this speech of welcoming remarks to our newly enrowed students of the 2017 Chongqing university of posts and telecommunications academic year.

  I welcome you all to cqupt and Chongqing at large. Am sure you will all at some point get lost or confused more than once as it is inevitable being in a new environment. But, am equally sure we will all enjoy this new beginning together.

  Many of you are wondering how life will be like in a world and living environment so different from high school, former college, or that of your family home.

  Well to be honest my first months here 3 years ago, I wondered why I was here and even after I wondered why everyone else was here……… learning in a foreign language everything seemed not to make any sense. I shared these thoughts with a senior student who I met here and all he had to say was that I would either way fail my entire courses in the first year. These words did not heal my wounded thoughts but left me with unsettled thoughts of how I was going to make it through. Am glad to stand here today and testify that I have not once failed a course since my sophomore year. This did not however happen by luck but through hard work, discipline and persistence.

  Everyone here belongs and each and every one of you newly enrolled students will find your place. There will be many things, many traditions that you will come to know. But you will come to understand what i believe is most important about this place—that It is the centre of new and original thought and ideas. And it is ideas that are ultimately most important in this world.

  Cqupt provides an environment good to both learn and grow as an individual and as a part of a community. Do not wait to be told or pushed to join an extracurricular activity e.g sports meetings, school organised competitions etc, all these activities are organised for us students and it is up to us to organise ourselves and enjoy these activities together. As the saying goes all work not play makes jack a dull boy.

  One question you should keep asking yourself whilst here is, how do I make the most of my time here. It is ok Keep refining your answer as time goes by putting into mind that you are only here for some time and not forever, and what you want to make is the very best and the best of memories out it.

  With that said I welcome you all once again and wish you nothing but the very best cqupt has to offer.

  Thank you.

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        尊敬的各位领导,各位同事,亲爱的同学们:  大家下午好!  今天,我们迎来了新学期开学典礼。在此我代表全体教师,向大家送上最美好的祝福和最诚挚的问候:祝愿大家在新的一年里,龙马精神,马到成功。  还能回忆起人生第一次参加开学典礼的情景吗?那时候你刚刚成为小学一年级的学生,背着小书包,在爸爸妈妈的目送下,蹦蹦跳跳的来到学校。在送你上学之前,爸爸妈妈一边给你整理书包,一边告诉你,要做一名好学生,要听老师的话,好好学习,你用力地点了点头。  现在回忆起来,小学六年过得真快,最后一次离开小学的情景好像是前天

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        篇一:幼儿园国旗下讲话稿  大家好!  我是大班的朱老师。今天由我来进行国旗下讲话。首先,请大家猜个谜语:小树干,五个杈,不长叶,不开花;会洗脸,会刷牙;会穿衣,会吃饭;要问谁的本领大,世界第一就属它!小朋友们,你猜对了吗?谜底就是我们人人都有的一双手。今天,我演讲的题目就是《我有一双勤劳的手》 我有一双勤劳的手,别看它又细又小,它会做的事可多了!不信,那就赶快跟我一起来看看吧!  在家里,我有一双勤劳的手--每天我回到家,就把鞋柜上的鞋摆得整整齐齐。吃饭前,我又帮全家放好了筷子和汤勺。妈妈收衣服了

    • 讲忠诚守纪律做标杆主题发言稿范文

        一、守纪律要执行上级决策,做好本职工作  作为纪检监察人员,我们当仁不让要严格遵守党的政治纪律、组织纪律、廉洁纪律、群众纪律、工作纪律和生活纪律。作为一名国企基层纪检监察人员,我认为守纪律应具体落实在两项工作上。一是遵守公司规定,执行上级决策。为进一步调整人力资源结构,促进企业转型升级,义煤公司抽调部分人员劳务输出至富士康。石壕煤矿纪委、监察科分得一个指标,我们克服科室工作繁忙、人员少、距离远无法照顾家人等重重困难,坚决执行上级决策决议,毅然派出一名纪检监察人员、一名业务骨干到富士康进行工作,保证了

    • 最新的小学毕业典礼学生代表发言稿范文

        敬爱老师、家长,亲爱的同学们:  你们好!在这美好特殊的,很荣幸作为毕业班学生代表在这发,此时此刻,我既有毕业的喜悦,也有即将离别的淡淡忧伤。首先,请允许我代表六年级毕业班全体同学,向关爱我们的学校领导和勤培育我们的老师们,表示最衷心的感谢和最崇高的敬意!  六年的学校生活,我们收获了老师的关爱。从走进校园,老师师就像那样牵起了我们稚嫩的手,搀扶着我们在求知的道路上开始了蹒跚的起步。老师们轻声的教诲,打开了我们的灵之窗;是老师们的深情凝视,给了我们最坚定的信心;是老师们关爱的目光,使我们从容快乐地过