“范文大全” 导游词


发布时间:2020-12-27 来源:导游词 手机版





  I have friends, everybody is good. I am responsible for your today's interpretation of the tour guides, you can call me little lai, thanks and welcome to the tourism in the first place, I will sincerely service for you, let you have a wonderful and unforgettable experience. Before I start the tour, I'd like to make a brief introduction of built for everyone.

  Built in chongqing fuling city shore of the Yangtze river, is a national key cultural relics protection units, belong to historical culture class humanistic scenery scenic spots, is the vast natural Shi Liang rock in the river sand. It extends from the west to the east, parallel to the river, a 14.5 degrees slope to jiangxin tilt, perennial fu river, only a year since the turn of the winter, water level is lower part above the water. Has more than 160 inscriptions on beam (part is inscribed copy flooded with water), calligraphy attainments is higher, inscription skill, however, because of the high water storage, to prevent flood, specially built underwater museum to protect the inscribed copy, in February 20xx, completed by the end of 20xx.

  Built, called BaZi beam, about the origin of its name, said today (Monday) because its name built on crane group gathered bridge, there is a saying is from tang dynasty, zhu reality in the science of uniting the, after word, take the crane fairy, therefore built. It is a natural Shi Liang fuling city of the Yangtze river, 1600 meters long, width of 15 meters on average. Since the first year of the tang dynasty GuangDe Shi Liang inscribed copy has many poems on the design and the Yangtze river stage, it has been more than 1200 years of history, is known as "the world's ancient hydrological station", "underwater forest of steles". Carved on the stone fish is ancient hydrological observation symbol, carved stone text words is ancient hydrologic observation records, it is extremely important hydrologic data. Its inscribed copy, images, intermittent recorded more than 1200 years, 72 years history of low water level, to the study of the Yangtze river shelter-forest low water law, shipping and production, etc., all have significant historical value. In Paris in 1974 at the international hydrological work conference, the Chinese delegation "fuling stone fish inscribed copy" to submit a report to congress, built the scientific value of get the world recognized. Built on huang tingjian, zhu xi, Mr Sun, joao doesn, Wang Shizhen successive dynasties are many poems, locations of grass, nationalities, line, all ready, yan, liu, yellow, and Sue and appears, deep and shallow relief, relief, line carve, ha design, lace, etc., style each different, colorful, the underwater inscription, has a long history, the rich content, the form of diversity, the underwater wonders of the world.

  Due to the construction of the three gorges project, located in the flood water level line built inscribed copy will sink in the Yangtze river forever. In order to protect the underwater treasures, built underwater approved by the state administration of cultural heritage protection project, construction of underwater museum, the project by the "underwater museum", "connect traffic corridor", "anti-collision pier in water", and "shore gallery" of four parts. Underwater museum of shielding body engineering design of the "dome", is located in the upper part, oval covered the entire inscribed copy plane. Underwater shield wall body has visited channels, visitors from the shore by the steel corridor take the escalator to underwater protection body, points to visit in three ways: through the corridor watch glass, through the underwater camera watch and wearing a diving suit to watch.

  Time like running water, swim about introduction I said here before, we immediately began to formal journey, everybody ready, ok, now please follow me to go see it.


  Junction of the Yangtze river and wujiang river within the territory of chongqing is an ancient city, the country make a fuling. In ancient times known as is located in north latitude 29 ° 43 ', longitude 107 ° 24 '. Total length of 1600 meters, 10 to 15 meters wide, stretching from west to east, show a glyph parallel to the river. Water level elevation 81 meters, 137 beam ridge above the lowest water level 2 meters, 30 meters below the highest water level. 100 meters from south of the Yangtze river, stands at the junction of the Yangtze river and wujiang river in the east. Since the tang dynasty at more than 1200 years of over 170 words inscribed copy engraved on it, this is the famous built inscribed copy.

  Built, why the poetic name, although opinions vary, but are associated with a person called er Zhu Tong micro. According to legend, when the northern wei dynasty, er Zhu Tong reluctant to usurp the throne and cousin, Zhu Rong confluence, abandoned the family, as, number, zhu reality. , zhu, an city, to close state, proud satrap. The satrap anger, will cage zhu jiang. Bamboo cage is not heavy, but, down the river to crane fucheng states gathered Shi Liang, encounter a fisherman for network and white stone. , zhu is a deep sleep, fisherman's long should not be, qing fang su, hence to alter ego. Fisherman still cloth net, canoe, Zhu Jixu fix true blast; Knee is relatively late chat, tired foot LAN river's dream. Bamboo flute fisherman's song, copper qing scripture, each had its interest, a special love between both sides. Day, take Dan zhu with baishi fisherman and alcoholic drink, drunk after, take the fairy to crane. Built so named.

  Built in tang dynasty inscribed copy the beginning moment GuangDe first year (AD 763), the existing 165 segments, 30000 words, 18 stone fish tail, 1, 2 statue of guanyin, crane, which involves the value of the hydrological 108 period, is the world's only be sharpening the fish as the "water mark", ancient hydrological stations and observation records of hydrology. In the Yangtze river in China than in 1865 set up the first draft - wuhan jianghan shut hydrologic water level observation records 1100 years earlier, so the first ancient hydrological station of the world ".

  According to the relevant departments of the observation, built in the tang dynasty stone fish belly, roughly equivalent to fuling district of modern the average of the calendar year low water level, and 24 years of the reign of emperor kangxi burring fish fish eye height, and roughly the same familiar channel department of the local water level zero. In August 1988, published by the state council as one of national key cultural relics protection units.

  20xx by the state administration of cultural heritage in the Chinese world heritage tentative list. 175 meters after the impoundment of the three gorges dam, built inscribed copy will always drown in nearly 40 m recently. From central to local leaders at all levels attach great importance to built inscribed copy protection work, to built inscribed copy protection or not, is directly related to the world that the key to whether the three gorges project belongs to the civilization construction. Built protection engineering has produced a total of seven protection plan, more than 10 member of Chinese academy of engineering, academy of sciences has participated in the built in the evaluation of protection scheme. After 10 years of repeated proof, according to the international "Venice charter" in mobile give priority to the principle of protection of cultural relics in situ, 20xx countries have adopted the academy of engineering ge XiuRun offered to "no pressure vessel" way of protection, creatively built the world's only built with a depth of 40 meters underwater museum. Built the site protection underwater engineering is first of the four cultural relics protection project of three gorges project. Built to protect the project started in 20xx to build, officially opened on May 18, 20xx, the first prize of science and technology innovation by state administration of cultural heritage, and a total investment of about 200 million yuan.

  Built underwater museum in April 20xx during the first three gorges international tourism festival official trial opening to the outside world.

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