“范文大全” 导游词


发布时间:2020-08-06 来源:导游词 手机版





  Hi, everybody! Im the tour guide, my name is ye, and you call me leaf guide. Please follow the order and get on the train. The journey of the potala palace is about to begin.

  (in the car) please be quiet and let me tell you a story about the potala palace before you come into contact with the potala palace. The potala palace stands on the red mountain in the northwest of the Tibetan capital, Lhasa. It is a large palace complex. It was said that songtsen was built to marry princess wencheng, but it was destroyed by the flames of war until the 17th century, and then it became what we see today.

  The beautiful castle built on the mountain is the potala palace. It is a monument in the history of architecture. The palace wall in the potala palace is amazing, and the wall of the wall of the temple is sharp, and the west wall is smooth and soft.

  (entering the potala palace) come and buy a ticket with me. Lets touch the wall. Is it special? In the potala palace, there are white horse grass wall, grass wall and cow dung wall. The walls are filled with iron, and they are the strongest steel guardians of the palace, which can keep the palace intact for 1,300 years.

  Everyone is looking forward to the visit to the Canon. Dont worry, please follow my steps, and take a look at the true shape of the book. The room was left only a building of the 7th century, is said to be the princess wencheng married sontzen gampo marriage room, the room holds the statue of princess wencheng, although only more than a foot high, but the carver is meticulous, beautiful. Canon and bamboo is by far the most ancient house, also because of this, it is especially precious, ok, you carefully appreciate this precious house more than 1300 years ago, remember cant take pictures!

  (30 minutes later) after seeing the oldest house, how about we go to the most precious pagoda? As everyone has already guessed, the place we are going to is the lingta. Where is the lingta precious? The tower is said to be worth as much as 110,000 gold, with more than 150,000 diamonds embedded in the tower. Each tower is worth a million dollars. Potala palace, a total of eight lamas spirit, the tower body with all kinds of preserved their precious medicine method, if you are afraid of so many precious things have the thief to patronize, then I can tell you is unnecessary, because there are a lot of the potala palace guards.

  The potala palace is not only a masterpiece of architectural history, but also a treasure house of knowledge. It is not only a treasure trove of Indian books, but also a collection of gold books, gold seals and jade books of the qing dynasty, which record the collection of human wisdom, each of which is priceless.

  Well, thats the end of the commentary. Heres the free time. Lets go play on your own. In the process of play, we should pay attention to safety, be a civilized little tourist, can not throw rubbish, can not daub graffiti. Meet at the gate at 3:30 p.m.


  Hello, tourists! Im your tour guide. My name is CAI yi. You can call me xiao CAI. Today Im going to take you through the world heritage site, the potala palace.

  The potala palace is located in the red mountains in the center of Lhasa in southwest Chinas Tibet autonomous region. The main building includes the White House and the red palace. Let me introduce you to the following.

  The White House is a place of political and religious administration for the lamas. The red palace is located in the central part of the potala palace. The complex, with the red palace as the main body, was completed in 1694, with a total of 6 floors. Now, you can walk into the red palace, the White House, and take a photo as a souvenir.

  Next, Ill take you to the jokhang temple. Standing in the courtyard, we can see the main building of the jokhang temple is the hall of the hall. The main hall is 4 stories high, the building component is han style, the column head and the eaves are typical Tibetan style. Lets walk into the hall. The hall is divided into four tiers. There is a Buddha statue of the Buddha who brought princess wencheng to Tibet. On the second floor, there are statues of songtsung, princess wencheng and princess red. The third floor is a patio, the first roof and skylight. Lets go up to the last level. () it has four gold tops in the middle. The hall inside and outside of the hall is full of painted murals with an area of about 2,600 square meters. You can take a closer look at the murals, the themes of Buddhism, historical relics and stories.

  Dont worry, theres more to it! Come with me, and Ill take you on a tour of roblinka. Maybe youre not familiar with that, so Ill tell you what. Robrinka is located about 2 kilometers west of the Lhasa river. "Lobulinka" means "baby garden" in Tibetan. You must think there are many valuable plants in it. Yes, it is. Norbulingka has more than 100 kinds of plants, not only has the common flowers and trees in the Lhasa area, and there are taken from the Himalayan region south of the flower rare wood, and the rare flower, introduced from abroad a highland botanic garden. Lobulinka is a group of themed buildings with golden chapters, located in the west. Because it was surrounded by the Banks of the river Lhasa, you could sit in the pavilions beside the river and see the scenery. Im sure you cant wait to go sightseeing. Please notice that you cant walk without seeing the sights.

  The potala palace has maintained the original status of the history, known as "the pearl of the roof of the world ", please do not litter the paper scraps to harm, destroy her, wish you a happy swimming, enjoy the fun!


  Hello, tourists! Im luo yuchu. Today, we are going to visit the potala palace. I hope you will be happy during the visit. Please pay attention to safety and protect the environment when you play.

  The potala palace is located in the center of the Lhasa cloth on the mountain, because of rock and soil, some moment mountain like red, so the Chinese call it hong shan, it covers an area of 360000 square meters, construction area of 130000 square meters, 119 meters high, a total of 13 layer, the size of the room 2000, 34 big figure of Buddha, the red palace and the White House is an important part of it.

  Visitors, now we have come to the potala palace, we first multinational flat cuo lang the threshold of the gate, you can see the porch of the west side of "the four heavenly Kings (four major Kings) to protect the" giant murals, they respectively are: the east with the heavenly Kings, wearing a white dress, holding a pipa; Southern growth king, dressed in blue, holding a sword; The king of the west, dressed in red, holding a rope; In the north, the king of heaven, dressed in green, holds a pagoda. Each picture is about 6 meters high and 2.5 meters wide. There are two pictures of the goddess on both sides of the inner door. It used to be a bolt from the trunk of a tree, and many people were astonished at it, but now its gone.

  Now we go through the narrow corridor, there is no window, only a few deep hole in the wall, you can see several meters thick wall, the wall is made of stone push system, stone edge, it is worth mentioning in the construction process is very rare in 1300 years ago. Now appears in front of us is from the ground area of 1600 square meters, 60 meters wide square, which is exclusively for lama, the Tibetan opera performance with ornamental TiaoShen, during the festival, TiaoShen is mostly about the content of the dharma of lama legend as well.

  Did you have a good time at the end of the trip? If you are happy, please remember the beautiful scenery here.

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