“范文大全” 导游词


发布时间:2020-07-02 来源:导游词 手机版





  Danxia mountain is one of four renowned great mountains in guangdong! Beautiful scenery, scenery is charming. Definitely a go will linger. You ask me why? Because there was so beautiful, let me introduce to you!

  Danxia mountain, green trees, colorful dense branches and leaves a layer, when we looked around, like the sea of green. Even on a hot summer day, you went in also will feel cool and refreshing and clinking! Below shade air pure and fresh, visitors walk through, will feel relaxed and happy, energetic, as if place oneself in a big natural oxygen bar.

  Danxia mountain famous scenic spots, "wuzhishan" is one of them. Five peaks connected, proudly stands, like five fingers straight into the sky, very spectacular. The mountains there are several pavilion, from a distance, and like a five girls wearing hairpin qiao standing.

  And one of my favorite spots is "sight". "Sight" composed of two very large peaks relative to one another. Peak to peak through, looking up, only to see a little fine sky, hence the name "sight". "Sight" hanging on the wall on both sides of the many bats, visitors from below by, sometimes accidentally disturb them, they are a group of a group of from pouring out of the sight, and suddenly it disappeared without a trace.

  Danxia mountain scenic spots there are many, such as "herself block jiang", "danehill sunrise", "mitral peak", "the teapot peak", etc. They are waiting for you to visit!


  China redstone park, danxia mountain, located in shaoguan city, covers an area of 290 square kilometers, is the biggest area of guangdong province, landscape, the most beautiful scenic spot. Since 1988, danxia mountain was named national scenic area, national geological landform natural reserve, national AAAA level tourist area, national geological park, the world geological park.

  Danxia mountain is one of the world "danxia landform" named after. Danxia mountain consists of more than 680 top flat, steep slope, slow foothill red gravel rock, sages "color such as w, Dan Ming", which are characterized by red cliff danya. According to geologists study: in the world have found more than 1200 danxia landform, danxia mountain is the most ty//www.fwdq.com/picplete types of modelling development the most abundant, the most scenic danxia landform concentrated distribution area.

  Between 140 million and 70 million, danxia mountain is a large inland basin, affected by the Himalayan orogeny, strong uplift surrounded by mountain, basin to accept a large number of clastic sediments, formed a thick red strata; Around 7000 years ago, the earths crust rise gradually eroded. Since 6 million years ago, the basin occurred many times intermittent rise, average every increase 1 meter ten thousand, fluvial incision erosion at the same time, the red layer is cut into a piece of red mountain danxia group, which is now the danxia mountain.

  Danxia mountain in stratum, structure, terrain, development, sales force, and the natural environment and ecological evolution of danxia landform areas across the country the most detailed and thorough, has become the national and the world base of danxia landform, research and popular science education and teaching practice base. Danxia mountain scenic spot is the size of stone mountain, stone, stone pillars, natural arch 680, qunfeng rulin, begets density, compete varies, the staggered; High valley among the mountains, ancient lush, quietly elegant quiet, dusty dont dye. Jinjiang xiushui throughout north and south, along the way danehill clear water, bamboo leaf tree, a boundless hone with all the tenderness of arteries and veins.

  Danxia mountain Buddhism so existing temple temple ruins and more than 80 grottoes, all previous dynasties scholars here left many legendary stories, poems and cliff stone, is of great historical and cultural value.

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