“范文大全” 导游词


发布时间:2020-05-21 来源:导游词 手机版




  Former Residence of Soong Ching Ling The Former Residence of Soong Ching Ling, late Honorary Chairman of the People's Republic of China, is situated at 46 North Rive Street in the Rear Lake area of the West City.


  Good morning! Ladies and Gentlemen:Today, we will go and visit Shaoshan, the hometown of Chairman Mao. Shaoshan is a small mountain village about 100km southwest of Changsha, the capital of Hunan province, with some.


  Evening Scenes of Chongqing The Red Star Pavilion in the Pipasha Park, the Kansheng Pavilion in the Eling Park, and a place called Yikeshu on the Nanshan Mountain are vintage points for observing the nocturnal scenes of.


  Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen:Today we will go and visit the Yueyang Tower, Yueyang Tower lies in the west of Yueyang city, nearby the Dongting Lake, it is listed as three famous towers in the south of Yangtze.


  Good morning! Ladies and Gentlemen: Today we will go and visit the Yuelu Academy! Yuelu Academy is one of the four famous academies in China, and it was established by Zhudong, magistrate of Tanzhou prefecture in 976A.


  good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to china! welcome to hubei province! today i am very pleased to show you three gorges of yangtze river.


  ladies and gentlemen , welcome to Fenghuang, the place where we"re arriving is "one of the two most beautiful town in China"----the old town of fenghuang,it"s a very important point that connects huaihua hunan and.


  Evening Scenes of Chongqing The Red Star Pavilion in the Pipasha Park, the Kansheng Pavilion in the Eling Park, and a place called Yikeshu on the Nanshan Mountain are vintage points for observing the nocturnal scenes of.


  Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen:Today we will go and visit the Nanyue Temple, Nanyue Temple is situated on the northern tip of Nanyue Township and at the southern foot of Chidi Peak.


  mawangdui is located in the eastern outskirts of changsha, about 4km from downtown changsha,in the preceeding centuries, it was bured here, hence the name "mawangdui"formerly there were two eastern mounds here closely.


  Huangguoshu Waterfall in Guizhou guide words, ladies and gentlemen : Today we will visit scenic spots is the Huangguoshu Falls. Huangguoshu Waterfall is the first in the Fall, as well as in the world wide to the Great.

    • 北京八达岭长城导游词

      北京八达岭长城导游词范文 各位游客:  大家好!欢迎大家到八达岭景区观光旅游。今天有幸陪同大家一起参观,我很高兴,望各能在八达岭度过一段美好的时光。  长城是世界闻名的奇迹之一,它像一条巨龙盘踞在中国北方的辽阔的土地上。它是中国古代劳动人民血法的结晶,也是中国古代文化的象征和中华民族的骄傲。  游客们,我们已经来到了著名的八达岭长城,您向远处看,可以发现这里的长城分为南、北两峰,蜿蜒于山脊之上,龙腾虎跃、气象万千,景色十分壮观。往下面看是有两个门洞和U字形的城墙缎怕谳瓮城。在瓮城墙上内外两面都有垛口墙,四

    • 嘉兴乌镇导游词

      嘉兴乌镇导游词 嘉兴乌镇导游词1   乌镇地处浙江北端,与江苏省相邻,曾经是两省三府七县交界之处。春秋时期,乌镇是吴疆越界,吴国曾驻兵于此以防越国,当时称乌戌。“乌镇”的称呼,首次出现是在唐咸通十三年。南宋嘉定年间,以市河为界分为乌青二镇,河西为乌镇,河东为青镇,解放后,统称乌镇。  关于“乌镇”一词的由来,还有一个典故。据说在唐宪宗元和年间,浙江刺史李琦妄想割据称王,举兵叛乱,朝廷命乌赞将军率兵讨伐。乌将军武艺高强,英勇善战,打得叛军节节败退。李琦突然在市河河畔挂牌休战,正当乌将军就地扎营伺机再战时,李

    • 富春江导游词精选

        富春江风景区两岸山色青翠秀丽,江水清澈碧绿,而在山水之间还分布着许多的名胜古迹,欢迎阅读借鉴小编为大家准备的范文精选。希望你们喜欢。  富春江的导游词  各位游客,现在我们正置身于有“奇山异水,天下独绝”之称的富春江。瞧,这山,这水,真是名副其实——集富春江的美于一身。  从古时起,便已经有文人墨客为富春江折服,不禁倾笔写下句句名言。此时,我们身临其境,定能品出这诗文中之神韵,可能还有人会大喊出“我爱富春江!”的冲动呢!可这对于真

    • 导游词范本800字3篇

        隐喻作为一种思维方式频繁地应用于导游词中。下面是范文大全为大家带来的导游词范本800字,希望可以让大家喜欢。  导游词范本800字篇一:乐山大佛导游词  各位游客:  大家好!欢迎各位来到乐山大佛风景区。我是景区导游,我叫魏春云,大家可以叫我魏导。今天将由我带大家参观,希望大家做文明游客!  首先,我把景区的情况总的给大家介绍一下。乐山大佛是世界上最大的弥勒佛石像,历史悠久,建于公元720xx年,屈指算来,它矗立在这已经1200多年了!这是众多工匠一锤锤地花了90年修造出来的。接下来我们边走边看边讲。

    • 介绍安康瀛湖风景导游词3篇

        瀛湖,是省级风景区之一,是南水北调中线工程的重要水源地和调蓄湖泊,所以瀛湖不仅仅市旅游景点,还是共要的水渠工程。下面是范文大全带来的安康瀛湖导游词,欢迎大家阅读。安康瀛湖导游词篇一  各位游客,大家好。今天我将带领大家游览素有“陕南千岛湖”之称的国家AAA级旅游区──瀛湖风景区。“瀛湖”位于安康市西南18公里处的天柱山脚下,因修建安康水电站,截流汉江后形成了人工淡水湖泊。瀛湖风景区总面积约有102平方公里,其中水域面积为77.5平方公里。而我们今天游览的