“范文大全” 辞职报告


发布时间:2019-07-27 来源:辞职报告 手机版



  1、state you are resigning your specific position/title and the effective date.

  as we have discussed, i am offering my resignation as systems analyst, level 1. i want to make the resignation effective date as convenient for you as possible, but no later than march 1.

  please consider this letter as my resignation from my position as office manager, effective march 1.

  i will be leaving my position as general counsel on august 31.

  after six long months of contemplation on my future advancement in hhh, i have decided to resign my geologist position, effective sometime in october–at your convenience. the decision has been quite difficult for me because i truly have enjoyed the relationships i’ve built here.

  i offer my resignation as training coordinator with hhh. my last day will be march 1, unless you have a replacement who can assume the responsibilities sooner.

  2、state your reason for leaving. you may be as vague or as specific as you wish. bear in mind, however, your reason should be one that puts you in a favorable light with future employers who may verify your employment record.

  this new position will offer me the opportunity to travel overseas, an adventure i’ve looked forward to for sometime now.

  i have been concerned about the limited opportunities for advancement. as you know, i’ve always been one to thrive on change and growth.

  i have decided to seek a job that will allow me more freedom to use my problem-solving skills on non-routine matters.

  as you know, my training is in the financial area, and i’ve had limited opportunities here to make contributions of that kind.

  my experience with previous employers has been administrative

  work, and that is the kind of job to which i’d like to return.

  as we have discussed, because of changes in my personal financial responsibilities, i have had to seek a position that offered a higher salary–although i understand your budgetary constraints.

  i really haven’t decided completely what kind of job i want to pursue, although i am interested in the possibility of going into business for myself.

  at this point, i’m toying with the idea of turning one of my hobbies into a profit-making enterprise.

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