“范文大全” 辞职报告


发布时间:2019-05-10 来源:辞职报告 手机版

  辞职会有很多的原因,因此写的辞职报告 也会不同,但是最主要的还是注重一个格式,和书写的内容,这个是没法具体说的,不过我写了一篇因为身体不适写的辞职报告供大家欣赏,如有不对的地方请各位及时纠正。










  the date

  employer’s name

  name of company

  the address of the company

  dear mr.or ms.or employer’s name

  i regret to inform you that due to my poor health that i am resigning from my job (job title goes here) and will no longer be able to continue to perform my duties at (company name.)

  i am uncertain if you are aware that i have been ill for quite awhile.i have been advised by my doctor that i am no longer well enough to continue working,so after careful consideration i reached the decision that my resignation is the best conclusion for myself and for the company and will be effective (number of weeks here).

  during this time i will make myself available to provide my assistance to any new personnel,and i will do everything that i can to make this transition go as smoothly as possible.

  my time with (company name here) has been pleasant,and i thank you for hiring me for (name of job position here).i am deeply sorry for leaving the company under these circumstances.

  i wish you much success with the company.


  your name here (typed)

  your signature here

    • 仓库辞职报告范文4篇

      尊敬的xxx人事负责人:  首先无可非议的要郑重感谢贵厂提供了近一个月的工作机会。  本人承诺的工期是一个月,因此在迫不得已要走之前必须留下一个条理清晰,言之有理的辞职信,交待提早离开的原因。很简

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    • 2019年5月实用版辞职报告范文1

      公司人事部:  诸位以前和现在同撩,我们能够在一个公司上班,我们的生命能够维系在同一支点上,这不得不说是缘份。但是天下无不散之筵席,我们的合作在这之后可能就会结束了,请你们不要责怪我,我也是有苦衷

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      尊敬的图书馆各位老师:  大家好!请允许我以这样的形式向你们表达最深的敬意和谢意,并申请辞职。辞职完全是由于我个人的原因,我觉得该为我两年的图书馆生活划上完整的句号了。  截止到昨天的最后一班,我顺利

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