“范文大全” 辞职报告


发布时间:2017-11-14 来源:辞职报告 手机版




Honorable leader:

  I regret that I formally resigned to the company at this time.

  I entered the XXX Limited by Share Ltd from July 23rd XX, and transferred to the preparatory group in August 24th XX. It has been half a year now, and it is here that I began to embark on the society, and completed the transition from a student to a social person.

  In the past half a year, the company has used the company to give good learning and exercise time, learned some new things to enrich themselves, and to increase their own knowledge and practical experience. I really appreciate the company's care for more than half a year. Today, I chose to leave, not my fear of the work now, unable to bear. After this thinking, I felt that I was getting far away from what I wanted to pursue. If he doesn't pursue, his life is boring, and he believes the company leader will give his understanding.

  I am also very clear that the resignation of the company to the company at this time is a test of its own, the company is in the hands of the people, the company's project development, all previous work in the company attaches great importance to the next step forward. It is also taking into account the rationality of the company to promote in the future, in line with the attitude of the company, in order not to make the company caused by my decision-making errors, I solemnly

  The company offered to resign and expect the company to approve it.

  I wish the smooth progress of the project to create brilliant, I wish the company leadership and colleagues Qianchengsijin fengchengmoli!



  Signature: XXX date: XX January 25

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