“范文大全” 倡议书


发布时间:2018-06-12 来源:倡议书 手机版


  in the college canteen, you had to eat a few mouthfuls of bread thrown on the table? whether to eat a few mouthfuls of food drained? ... the students ... students will partner management survey found that on average five students have a half-bowl too small to be drained vegetables, drained 1 / 3 bowl of food the students more. soon it filled swill bucket. watch full bucket full bucket of leftovers, it is pity.

  "please save food" and other large banner, although the warning signs hung in the cafeteria in the striking position, but the food could not escape the bad luck of being wasted, however, when we carelessly throw away a piece of bread, when we think the world has there are many parents may be a meal for the family food and hard to run around?

  so it really is enough food? in fact, in developing countries every five people will have a long-term malnutrition, 20 percent of the population in developing countries, food insecurity, famine has become earth's no. 1 killer, killing 10 million people per year on average life, directly or indirectly because of malnutrition around the world every four seconds, one person was killed!

  community food situation distressing, so many people are dying due to the brink of starvation, to radically change consumer attitudes, food worth in today's college students to save food for thought.

  "calendar view worthies country and family, as the thrift broken by the extravagance." students, as soon as possible to allow poor families from hunger, let us continue to carry forward the hard work, thrift fine style, with thrift proud ashamed to waste, corruption, extravagance and consciously resist the wind, from the subtle to start with the actual action to do the construction of "conservation-oriented campus," the leaders, to build a civilized, harmonious and make due contributions to the campus!

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