“范文大全” 表扬信


发布时间:2020-02-09 来源:表扬信 手机版




  dear head master of f & b department:

  first of all, we thank you for the perfect service and providing delicious foods, which give us a deep impression for everything you done. here, our company specially thanks you and your team, and sends the best regards and the most sincere gratitude to all of you. at the same time, we specially thank an outstanding employee ------ xxxwhom gave the most cooperation during the events.

  at the end, we sincerely thank for the all supports from you and your colleagues.

  millions of thanks!

  your sincerely

  beijing xxx co., ltd.

  date: xx-xx-xxxx


  Dear Mr.XXXX,

  All the nice times pass so quickly, similarly the wonderful EXPO experience in China has come to its end. My seven months stay at the Expo Village in Expo Donghu Apartment Hotel has been one of the most memorable times in my experience at the Expos. Not only due to the apartment’s features, which quality I needn’t to particularly stress , but so much more for the hospitality and generosity of the Expo Donghu Apartment Hotel’s staff. Their warm assistance on everyday basis has made me feel at home and among friends.

  I would especially like to thank Mr. Austin Cai for his tremendous effort and assistance and underline his commitment to work, professionalism, patience and understanding of human's heart. Also I’d like to extend my special gratitude to Ms. Caroline Zheng and Mr.Caleb Zhu.

  For the past seven months we have all worked hard and the results cannot passed unnoticed. The excellent organization we all owe to its management, therefore I use this opportunity to express my gratitude to you in my name and on behalf of entire Croatia pavilion staff.

  Kind regards,


  XXXXX section at the Expo 20xx Shanghai China

  Shanghai, November 20xx.

  January 4, 20xx


  Dear every leader, dear colleagues: hello!

  Show before the letter, I bowed a bow to everyone on behalf of the family first, thank you very much everybody to my support!

  Thank you.

  In the snow charcoal is priceless, timely friendship is priceless. You give my all

  Spiritual and material great support, let our hearts have a rely on, lifelong unforgettable.

  For a long time, I desire to do the work of the strong and the strong of life, looking forward to help others, hope to own a happy family, good job, and personal progress. At the end of last year, however, my family member was diagnosed with a malignant lymphoma, disaster will all good are broken. My face is the need to constantly chemotherapy wife and four children. Why treat for the following? Why life afterwards? I really stupid.

  Too late to heartache to sad, I in the hospitals of traveling back and forth, feel the reality is so not true, feeling like my world inside the nightmare.

  Now, my family, after four times of chemotherapy was in remission. Although the treatment will also

  To continue, but with a lot of help from the leaders colleagues, there are many kind people a helping hand, believe that her illness will get better soon, wish god also I a complete family!

  Like a feather in the sky, the fate of the unpredictable. Encountered such a disease is our family misfortune, get the enthusiastic help is our lucky. We will uphold this kind, when you're good to others, treat yourself, treat life, to work!

  Once again, thanks for your help!

  We inform you

  Thank you

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